Rouxls- College Student Supremeth

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*crawls out of the depths of the void* I'M STILL ALIVE! *falls back in* ACK- Also semi-random question, who all here likes Milo Murphy's Law?

Requested by: 0nb0nTh3Dr4g0nC4t

Thanks for the request! :D I might have tweaked the prompt suggestion you had for it a bit, just to have it fit some ideas I had for it better, so I hope it's still what you wanted! Now onto the story!


"Hey Y/N!" Susie roared, grinning and waving in greeting across the airport. Several people around you turned and stared at her. You laughed and gave her a wave in greeting back, lugging your suitcase along towards her. 

Kris stood silently and stoically next to her as they always did, but you could tell they were excited to see you. They didn't show it very well, but you could always tell from how their mouth twitched ever so slightly and the more fidgetty behaviour they suddenly seemed to have that they were excited to see you.

"Hi Susie!" you greeted when you were standing in front of your friends. "Kris, great to see you, bud!" You ruffled their hair like you always did, and they made a face at you, objecting softly and half heartedly trying to stop you. Susie laughed at their 'suffering'.

"So you're finally back from that stupid school stuff, or whatever?" Susie asked you as the three of you headed for the airport doors.

"It's not stupid..." you mentioned, but still smiled softly. Susie sure hadn't changed since you had left. "It was college." You sighed. "But no, it's not over. The school needed some renovations, so all the students were allowed to go back home for a bit until those are done." 

Seeing that Kris and Susie now had slightly dissapointed looks on their faces that you weren't back for good, you gave them a lopsided smile and added, "Which is why I'm back with you dorks!" You wrapped your arms around their shoulders, and Susie roared with laughter. Kris cracked a small smile.

You had known both Kris and Susie and were good friends with them both before you went off to college, just to find out over your video calls with each of them that they actually became friends. You had been so happy for both of them the first day Kris and Susie were in the same room on a call. From talking to them both seperately, you could tell how much they needed friends their age. So seeing them hanging out together... you had nearly started crying on that first call.

"So, are you hungry or something? I could use something to eat!" Susie mentioned to break the silence.

You laughed. "Yeah, sure I could eat something. Though I think... Kris, wasn't your mom making pie for us?" Kris gave you an affirmative thumbs up.

"Oh hell YEAH!" Susie exclaimed, grinning ominously as she did. "I'm coming to your house, Kris!" Kris just shrugged. They seemed to have already accepted this inevitable fate. You laughed harder. You really had missed them so much.

Arriving at Toriel's house, you saw her standing on the step, waving to you already even when you were just barely in the house's view. You chuckled and waved back. Once you, Kris, and Susie were closer, Toriel came down the steps and took your hands into her warm fluffy paws. "Oh Y/N, my child! It is so wonderful to see you after so long! How are you, my dear?"

"I'm great! It feels really good to be back," you told her, giving her a grin. To help the lady out, you dropped your suitcases on the ground and threw your arms around her. 

She laughed warmly and hugged you back. "That's lovely! Kris has told me so much about how you have been doing from your video calls. I always meant to show up to say hello as well, but I did not want to take away your fun!" You both let go of each other as Susie and Kris went around you and inside the house; Susie exclaiming something about getting her hands on the pie inside with Kris sprinting after her.

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