Berdly- Good Ol' Fashioned Gaming

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Request by: souda_kinnie_UwU

Thanks for the request! :D Also I was too lazy to come up with funny names for real brands for this one (an example from Deltarune being Minecrap lol-), so you guys will have to make due without, I'm sorry- 😆 Now onto the story!


You knocked on the front door of Berdly's house, putting your big fluffy paws in your hoodie pockets as you waited. You frowned when the door didn't open after a moment, and you freed your paw to knock again. However, before you could, you could hear Berdly's voice and hurried footsteps as he scrambled to the door. You smiled, putting your paw back in your pocket as he unlocked the door.

But he only opened it a crack. He stuck his beak out through the space. "What's the password?" he whispered.

You snorted in amusement, trying to hold back a grin and failing. "Berdly, you're such a dork," you told him fondly.

"Nope, that is not the passcode to enter Berdly's Domain!" the blue bird replied, though his beak curled a bit into a smile.

You reached for your sweater hood, pulling out the bag of chips you had stashed in there. "I brought chips?" you offered.

He paused. "Doritos...?" he asked hopefully.

You shook the bag a little. "Of course!"

He gasped and you grinned, knowing you had won the master of Berdly's Domain's approval. Sure enough, with no passcode needed, the door was swung open. Berdly beamed at you. "Well then, don't just stand there! Come in- I mean, uh- Welcome to BERDLY'S LAIR...!" He said dramatically. You chuckled, coming inside. You followed him up to his room, which was where he kept all his gaming systems.

When you both reached his bedroom, you were surprised to see it was fairly cleaned up... if you ignored the pile of video game plushies he had squished in the corner between his dresser and closet. When you had one time stopped by for a surprise visit, his room had been in complete chaos. Sure, it was that delightfully chaotic sort of chaos that screamed Dungeons and Dragons game in progress, but he had been a bit embarrassed by the lack of free places on the floor where you could safely step.

Berdly paid no mind to you as you looked around at his room, his attention too set on bringing out the consoles. "Since I chose last time, I thought I might as well let you choose this time, Y/N," he said. "Plus, you brought chips, so you get bonus points there!"

You sat on the edge of his bed, swinging your feet a bit. "Okay!" you replied contently. Berdly then proceeded to set out every system he had on the floor for you to choose from, and alas, the floor was unusable once again. Berdly stepped carefully across the free spaces between game consoles and controller cords in some sort of dance, accidently bumping into you at the end. (If anyone picks up on this reference I will actually give you a free virtual hug-) 

He blushed a little in embarrassment, then sat down next to you and cleared his throat. "Which game suits your fancy?" he asked, motioning a wing towards the gaming systems. He really did have some of everything; from Xboxes to Playstations to a single Switch he managed to get in a rare color. You hummed thoughtfully, then noticing with some surprise just how many old game systems he really had. The newer ones were easy enough to get, and you loved them but...

"Oh my gosh, that's an Atari, isn't it?!" you gasped, pointing at the system nearest to the closet. 

Berdly puffed up his chest proudly. "Yep! It sure is! Of course a pro gamer like myself would have the root of all video game consoles in his arsenal!"

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