Chapter 3 - Denial

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A/N: For certain purposes in this story, some things might not match the cannon events with the SCP scientists of this story. For example, the whole thing with Dr. Kondraki disappearing, that may or may not be a thing here. I'm mostly doing this since I want to introduce the different doctors to the MC. Just to note though, I might change my mind later on.
[Y/N's POV]

"The Chaos Insurgency," Dad's soft voice slithers its way to my ears, igniting a sense of bewilderment.

My face contorts to a confused one, "Um... okay? I knew this was gonna be strange, but not this strange. You're just pranking me, right? There's no way you're part of a supposed secret organization... right?... Why would you even tell me this?!"

No one bats an eye as some seem to whisper and point. Dad sighs, speaking with a bit of disappointment, "I should've assumed that you wouldn't believe me. Thankfully, I've provided ourselves with alternatives to how we can get you to take this seriously."

Dad picks himself up, returning to his two feet. He slides his thumb and index finger together, creating a snapping noise that was loud enough to shock me.

An unrecognizable teen boy emerges behind a few adults, handing Dad a metal wrench in his hand. Dad grips his fingers around the handle, tossing it in the air in a three-sixty as he catches it smoothly. He glances back at me, shortly turning back to the wrench.

"I suppose a baseball bat would've been better. But it seems my insurgents didn't find one." Dad approaches closer, gripping the wrench tight as he points it at me.

I stumble back onto a car, putting my hands up in a defensive position, shouting pleads, "Wait wait WAIT! Dad, I don't know what you're doing, but please STOP!" He doesn't listen, raising the clinking wrench up in the sky, glaring down with an impending gaze as he swings the piece of metal to the side of my head, knocking me out cold.

[Y/N's POV]

Assuming I woke up from a nap as I arise from my coma, I unfortunately remember the reality of my situation. Dad sits crisscross on his chair, hugging the back of it with his arms. His work-watch shines in the bright light, almost glimmering as his blue stripped shirt flows gently against the fan. I lift my head, slowly absorbing the unrecognizable room, soon feeling a sense of rage instead of panic.

I try to shout at Dad, but my mouth has been restricted by a piece of duct tape, along with the rest of my limbs tied down to the chair. Where even am I?! I don't remember having this room in our house!

"You probably don't know where we are," Dad finally says something. "This is just a hidden room that I kept in case someone unwanted found out my secret about The Chaos Insurgency. I had to do this, (Y/N). How else would you have believed me?..."

My urge to strangle him arises as I end up screaming more, kicking and thrashing on the chair. Fortunately, Dad decides to rip off the tape, stinging my face as I feel the hair on my chin being pulled off.

"There," He rips the tape off, pulling the tape back as he tosses it in the nearest can.

I try to sound as angry as I could, "GET ME OUT, DAD!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS??!! THERE'S NO-"

He hushes me with my hand, "I've just realized... You're not dizzy, nor do you seem to be feeling sick despite that I knocked you out with a wrench. Interesting..."

"What are you even talking about?! W-Why are you doing this??!!"

Dad clicks his tongue, punching me hard, "I TOLD you already! How else would you have believe me?! We've would've wasted more time if I hadn't made it quick!!" He sits back on his chair, crossing his legs, "Enough talk! It's time I explain."

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