Chapter 10 - A Reason To Live

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[Y/N's POV]


My voice cracks and echoes in the silent cave. SCP-682 revs his claws, scratching his back foot against the ground as he gulps in a large amount of air, arching his scaly back with his mouth wide open as he shatters the entire ceiling with just his roar alone.

Everyone runs into separate paths as I follow Dave's shouts for my name, diving under a falling boulder as I land in a barrel roll, the boulder barely missing me by an inch. A pebble flashes by my cheek as I dodge to the side, landing my eyes on a geared Insurgent charging straight at me. I drop in a stance and wait for him to come, swiping my foot under his leg as I make him collapse backwards with a thud, a grunt escaping from behind his helmet as I crash my foot down on his face, breaking the glass as a blood splattering crash bleeds his eyes. I take my foot off his helmet as I dash the opposite way with an arched back, small bullets whizzing past my whole body as I jump over a bullet to take a sharp turn to the right. I need to find Dave. Was the rest of the squad turned to meat soup from the rocks?

Gunshots emanate and echo from far distances in the cave, signaling that maybe a few MTF survived the crash. A boom noise echoes from the path I'm walking down, rattling the whole cave as a small pebble bounces off of my shoulder, stiffening my posture as I throw my gaze upward to the ceiling. The ceiling doesn't shatter like I thought it would. Thankfully...

I blow a huff of relieved air out my mouth, keeping my nose down as a way to be cautious and prepare for incoming falling rubble. It's not like preparing to block my head will do anything, but at least I'll feel safer. I crouch down a corner as three shots pop from the left path, followed by a hair-raising shriek that's emanating from the downward path. I'll take the far right.

I fasten my steps as I pick up my feet in my shoes, repressing the amount of steps I'm making with my shoes. A loud whiz pops in my left ear as I throw my gaze over my shoulder, dodging a flying silver bead that barely grazed the edge of my nose-bridge. An Insurgent is running towards me at full speed, being only a few studs away as my consciousness is pushed to the back seat. My eyebrows furrow without my will, my legs dropping into a stance without my control as my body launches itself at the Insurgent, flying me over his head as I grab his gun and pull the top of the barrel towards his face, bringing him down with the weight of the gun like an axe as it cracks through his helmet. His body doesn't move as I stumble back in a daze, my back hitting against the wall as I stare at my hands with wide eyes.

I glare at my hands with wide-eyes, stuttering words out my mouth, "H-Holy shit, I just moved on my own..."

I duck down under the punch as my body throws its hands up, grabbing the bottom of the insurgents chin and grabbing his vest, turning the velcro into a squishy fabric with my touch alone as I slam him into the wall behind me. The entire cave shakes from the heavy impact alone as my feet levitate off the ground, flying me upwards as I crash through the ceiling in a flash as I now end up back in the desert biome. The sky shows a black ceiling instead of a blue one, the moon smiling down on me as if it were proud I escaped the cave. My eyes dart around the sandy floor like an Android, my eyebrows furrowing at the small black spec on the ground. My instincts shout at me to fly down there as I do just that, planting my fists to my hips as I zoom down there within a single flash as I then end up within the backseat of a jeep.

Dave's old face looks back at me with a wide-eyed glare from the driver's seat, heavy breaths coming out his mouth, "When the fuck did you get here?!"

I crash onto the cold seat, feeling the cold temperature of the cushion soothe my sweaty hair. I let out some heavy breaths too, "I-I don't know, I just flew right down here!"

[DISCONTINUED] "Why Am I Special?" (Male Reader X Female!05 Council)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum