Chapter 8 - Coping

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[Y/N's POV]

A loud bang rattles my whole body as the vision of my Dad rapidly disintegrates. The metal machine returns back in front of me as I see the big green button glowing red from the inside. I spin around in a jolt, the shouts of men and women screaming at me to get on the floor, yet I see no one around.

The machine behind me statics, crackling with yellow electricity as the machine loses its glow from its buttons. A large and elongated window glitches itself in front of me, the static vanishing as I look out to see that the forest environment I fought in is still there.

Why didn't it take me back to the house?! I won, I clearly fucking won!

"Nice try," a familiar and enticing voice frustrates me instead of seducing me. "But that's not the correct machine that breaks this simulation."

I spin around, anger infused with a stomp as I flare my nostrils at Prunella who grinned arrogantly, "You piece of shit, YOU SET ME UP FOR FAILURE!!! You think that's fair?! Are you TRYING to play with me?!"

She chuckles darkly, my face fuming as I find myself charging at her in full speed, bringing her down to my level by pulling on her red tie. She keeps eye contact with my angered glare, my nostrils flared and steaming like a boar.

With my best attempt at intimidation, I try to lower my voice in a more scary tone, "Who the fuck do you think you are you bitch?!"

With a low growl, my breaths start to slow with slowed angered huffs, "Who... Who do you think you are to play with my sense of comfort... HUH?!" I yank her tie harder, "ANSWER ME!"

"I never said there would be rules in this little challenge, did I~?" Prunella coos mockingly. "All I said was that we would stop you from finding a machine. Nothing else. In such a game, I'd say teaming would be allowed too." She looks behind me, her natural smile curling like a cat, "Isn't that right, Amalia?"

The sound of heels clicking echoes from behind me as I spin around, glaring at the silhouettes emerging from a dimly lit hallway with fluorescent red lights. Amalia emerges out with the other eleven girls, all of them either gluing their eyes to their phone or just staring off into space.

Sadie sticks her pinky in her ear, staring off to the side, "Damn, that was kind of boring. Some of us didn't even get to fucking fight him! This would've been a lot more entertaining if you gave (Y/N) some kind of upper hand!"

Amalia taps her white cane on the ground, the metal clinking loudly against it, "Soooo... who won? (Y/N) or us?"

Prunella crosses her arms, hugging it to her waist as a few creases emerge. Her right hip is propped up slightly, "Technically we won since we tricked (Y/N) with a fake machine." She chuckles lightly, a smile creeping up on her lips, "He was so laser-focused on one goal that it made it easier to trick him!"

The woman chortle and cover their mouths, leaning near each other with bold whispers like they're gossiping popular girls. Prunella silences their giggles with a stomp of her heel alone. Her eyes bore into my soul, approaching her tenderly fingers to my shoulder as she rubs it gently, my hand swiping hers off with a loud slap.

Prunella doesn't seem affected by my sudden gesture, her mysterious smile still plastered on her lips as she struts away with her hands behind her back. The rest of the ladies follow behind her, Amalia moving in last as she signals for me to follow with them.

I grunt and scoff as I approach without looking back at Amalia, her hand stuck to my arm, yet I'm too tired to push her off.

[Y/N's POV]

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