Chapter 4 - A Change of Pace

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[Y/N's POV]

Luna and I approach a metal door in front of us after our long walk. Her hands grasp around the 'U' shaped handle on the cold door, gripping it tightly as she pulls back with a grunt, bringing in a cold breeze to hit my face. She holds the door with the back of her foot as I stroll in, shivering lots, "F-Fuck, it's cold. So... are the SCP Foundation people in this little... building? What is this actually?"

Luna shuts the door behind us, "You're correct. This is a mere hideout for our Task Force unit."

Task force unit? I don't know what that is, so I'm just gonna assume it's like a S.W.A.T. team or whatever. Actually... what kind of group is the SCP Foundation if they have a military unit? I walk to Luna who was on her phone, tugging on her sleeve. She seems slightly disgusted by my action, furrowing her eyes as she takes her arm away.

"What?" she replies crassly.

"What kind of organization is the SCP Foundation? I know it's a secret one, but you never explained what you all do."

She relaxes her brows, turning to me, "Take a guess, why don't you? You'll find out."

I touch my chin, turning to think without hesitation. She says I have superpowers, and they also have a military unit. Super powers... military unit... I can only assume that they do one thing.

"Do you guys take care of tasks that are too dangerous for even the most professional of people?"

She doesn't seem impressed by my answer. "You're close. We take care of monsters and paranormal things. We contain and study them so that the world may live peacefully ignorant to these monsters."

I stand there dazed, unsure of what reaction to make. I look back with skepticism, "That's-..."

Luna interrupts me, "That's what? Weird? Stupid? Fake? That's what everyone says. This world is far stranger than you think, (Y/N). It is far from normal." She approaches me close, glaring dead in my eyes, "Listen close. Everything you will see from now on is nothing but the truth. You saw your father die in front of you, shot right in the head. After all that, do you really still think that this is fake? Do you think the guns that my men held were airsoft weapons? You'd be a fool to think so."

She lets me go, turning abruptly as the back of her jacket lightly hits my face. "Let's move. We're late."

Her footsteps tread across the naked floor, stomping with slight aggression. Did I say something bad? Or does she just have a stick up her ass? Maybe she got annoyed by my constant questions.

I shrug it off, following the same path she walked across. Another metal door emerges from the dark hallway, activating a dim light as I stroll through the metal floored hallway. The door's already creaked open. I slip through the crack, hearing a conversation midway.

"I've brought SCP-X. Please make sure to answer carefully to his questions-" Luna's Russian voice pauses once I enter the room. A line of doctors stand up, gazing at me with scrutiny. Luna pats the shoulder of one of the doctors, zooming off with her pulling her hood over.

One of the doctors then turn to me, approaching me slowly with a gentle tone, "Hey! You're name's (Y/N), right?"

I nod, furrowing my eyebrows. I'm not the biggest fan of being talked to like a baby, but I'll have to deal with it. I don't want to cause conflict at this time.

The doctor fixes her glasses, glancing down at her clipboard, "I see. Well, my name's Dr. Jones! We're here to run some tests on you."

"This has to do with my superpowers right?" I furrow my eyebrows once more, pinching my chin. I still can't help but be skeptical. But I guess I'm about to get answers.

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