Brown eyes Blue Skys

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I sit silently in the passenger seat of Sam's car. My car will be here in a couple of days, hopefully. According to the phone call I got from the company I was using to bring it here. Sam had noted that his work colleagues would be there for lunch, I nodded polietly, preparing myself

I glanced out the window to the cluster of passing greens and browns, I just wanted to get out of the car, feeling a pang of longing to be home.

Sam resembles my mother slightly, carrying a few of her characteristics, but his features are obviously carry a striking resemblance from my father. His dark eyes and strong jawline practically scream it out which made my heart clench painfully.

I chew on my lip and play with my fingers absentmindedly. Sam has said that his fiancé, Emily, was one of the most incredible people he's had the pleasure to know, and that I would love her. He sounded so certain and taken away by her, it must be true.

I soon realised that school would have started by now, and I would soon be enrolled, unfortunately. Friends weren't the best thing I've encountered in my fifteen years, they don't come very easy to me, and most people just don't want to deal with me.

"You alright there?" Sam spoke, his deep voice concerned

I smiled shyly and noded, He returned the smile but still looks uncertain, but returned to the road.

We passed the sign indicating that we were now in La push now, I didn't think a place could be this gloomy but so gorgeous at the same time. It was overruled by the earth tones that streaked the roads, the dull sky was a muted grey that begged to pour at any given time.

"Pretty astonding, I haven't been somewhere like this before.." Sam chuckled, and continued driving. I dound myself questioning why  I hadn't tried to come here before.

I see houses on the horizon. Small wooden cabins of sorts, line every so often, the wood was stained by time. I think Sam and as surprised that I let out a coherent sentence

In the distance, I see what looks to be a overgrown cabbin, which appears to be his.

My heart beat quickens.

I see a girl, more of a woman standing on the ground in front of the house, she looks remarkably  beautiful even from here.

Her beauty was muted by the three long scars and marked her dark skin, creating a half grimace in its midst as she grinned.

I'm guessing its pity as her eyes as she glances at me. Sam practically runs to her, a smile that I've not yet witnessed is on his face, and the way he was looking at her was the way all girls want to be looked it. He kissed her softly, even with her dark skin, you could make out the red splotches on her cheeks. She makes her way over to me, and hugs me softly, she reminds me of my mother, and I lean into her. Shes the last to pull away.

"Hi, Dalton, I've heard so many great things about you!" She smiles a smile that could warm anyone. "You too." I grin.

Sam moves towards her, like a magnetic force was keeping them together.

"Come on." She said. "I'll show you to your room." And she did, nearly pulling my arm off as she dragged my up the

stair case, not forgetting to show me the living room and towards a small room on the right.

"This is it, I'm sorry its not huge but, I figured you wouldn't mind too much." She blushed slighty.

"Its perfect, thank you, Emily. I love it." She moves towards the door. Not before turning towards me.

"Don't mention it, you will always be more than welcome here." She winked, and then she was gone

I plucked my phone from my suitcase, dialling my mom. There was a three second wait until her ecstatic voice,made me jump slighty.

"Dalton, I was worried." She cried out, making me move my ear slightly further away from my phone.

"I'm fine, and there's nothing to worry about." I reassured her, but It did everything but

"How are you feeling?" Her concerned voice made my heart swell.

"Great, mom, do you mind if I call you back?" Just wanting to breath for a moment.

"Why, Dalton, its been so long!" She spoke, sounding rather annoyed.

"I think Emily needs help with something, but I promise that as soon as I'm finished, I'll call you." I promised.

"Fine! I love you!" She called out.

"You too, Mom." She hung up.

I sighed, tucking the phone into my shirt, and walking down the stairs to ask Emily if she needed help with anything, after I had heard the shuffling of pots and pans, and her cursing distantly. I turned to see her laying a colossal amount of food, curious to know who it was for.

She heard me moving, and looked towards me. "Hiya, Dalton." She spoke, washing her hands and drying them across her jeans.

"Hey, did you need help with anything?" All most instantly, she declined, saying that she was practically done anyway, and motioned for me to sit.

I heard laughter in the distance, guessing it was Sams friends. I sat down in the furthest chair from the heap of food, and declining when she offered me any.

A few minutes later, I turned when I heard them all, about ten large, dark and muscled men, plus a woman, who resembled a godess, emerged from outside, most of them not wearing shirts surprisingly.

After looking through the group, I caught Sams face, and he smiled, and began to introduce me to the people, not before kissing Emily.

"Uh, this is Dalton, my sister andshe'll be staying here with me and Emily, and I expect you to be kind to her." He spoke, a obvious line of authority in his voice.

He turned to me. "Dal, this is the pac- I mean uh, my employees who work for me." He corrected himself.

I smiled, my eyes glancing over them all as they stared at me, taking me in. They honestly looked simular, except for a few different features.

"This is Paul, Brady and Jake, Colin, Leah, Jared, Quill, Embry, Jakes with his impri-, girlfriend right now but he'll be back soon. Oh, and Seth." He motioned to all of them, as if expecting me to remember their names.

One of the freakishly large people caught my eye.

My eyes interlock with his. I has never seen eyes like his. I wanted to look away, but couldn't harvest the will power to do so. I eventually glanced away, and refrained from looking at him again. The group of people were quiet, each harvesting looks of surprise, and glancing nervously towards my brother.

I greet them, and make as little eye contact as humanly possable.

I heard somebody mention the word 'whipped', then a slapping noise.


Seth's p.o.v


Trying to not phase the moment I saw her, she glanced away from me, my ecstatic behaviour was a understatement of my mood right now. Her skin glowed as she stood, her small frame and wavy red locks were nothing compared to her breath taking eyes, I had never had the pleasure to glance into orbs that blue before.

I knew I would do anything, be anything make her smile. Her heart was fluttering, a wave of pride washed over me, knowing that I had caused that. I couldn't stop thinking, the entire time how her name fitted her pefectly, and how beautiful it was. It felt right. She just felt right to me

I instantly wanted to have some sort of physical contact with her, holding her hand would have made me the happiest person on earth. We all sat, I took the closest chair mext her automatically.

I could see Paul, from the corner of my eyes glance at her for a second longer that I liked, and growled quietly in protest, he just gave a shit eating smile and refrained.

I glanced towards her, she seemed to be focused on her fingers, any trace of anger was completely gone as I saw her
She turns to me and smiles. I cant help but smile at her when she looks at me like that.


Thanks for reading!

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