Music time

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Arriving at the awful place was the least of my worries, the people were ten times worse. Every teenager within a twenty meter radius had their eyes glued on me, not to mention Seth's hand entangled with mine. Looking down to avoid glances from random bystanders and not uttering a word, scared to talk to anybody besides Seth.

Seth was the only person in the pact young enough to go to high school, considering all the other pack members had left school or had left to help Sam.

Grasping his hand tighter, he looked towards me with a look of concern.

"You 'right?" He asked softly, giving him a quick nod of reassurance. He didn't look that convinced to say the least.

"Dal, we need to get your timetable." He spoke softly, again.

"Where?" Looking around the somewhat packed halls of the human school. He chuckled, before leading ourselves towards what looked like a small office. Seth opened the door for me, with a lop sided grin. Causing me to blush furiously.

We walked towards the older woman, obviously a native with her dark hair and russet skin. Seth smiled at the woman.

"Hey Mrs blackbird." She was a native, positive with a name like that.

"This is Dalton, Dalton Sapphire. Shes new and needs her timetable." She nodded, smiling.

"Sure thing, hows Sue?" She asked, handing the marked paper towards me.

"Good." Replied Seth, grinning.

"Have a nice day, Dalton. You too Seth." We left, when he gently took the paper from my hands, his deep brown eyes looking over it.

"We have mostly all our classes together." He grinned, looking up at me. "What ones don't I have with you?" I finished biting my lip.

"Just math and P.e." Nodding and grasping his hand tighter, leading me towards Music, which we both shared. Sitting next to him, the teacher known as, I forgot, after his droning voice could put me to sleep.


Squealing, and dodging the balk hurling towards me. Did they have to aim for me in specific?

Hiding behind a pillar, she uncomfortable p.e uniform itching and watching the game commence.

They wont notice me gone, its not like I was helping the game besides getting hit in the face.

Quickly, making sure nobody was glancing my way, and running towards the lockeroom, bag in hand. Signing and thanking what ever higher power that this was nearly over. Changing quickly, whilst all the others slowly piled in to change, idiots, they should have just snuck in and they would have saved all of this nonsense

Quickly running out of the gym, only to run into a wall. Falling back on the floor, looking up to see the same concerned brown eyes looking down on me. Holding out his muscular arm to hoist me up, thanking him and grasping his hand.

"You alright, Dal? Sorry, I didn't see you over there. I was just on my way to see you-" Cutting him of my pressing my lips to his. The same familiar butterflies invading my chest.

"S'not your fault, Seth, I wasn't watching where I was going. I just happen to walk into a wall on meat." Winking and smiling softly.

"I take of you don't like gym?' He said, an brow raised.

"Hate it, I'm not a person for physical education

"I love it, well. You can understand why." He grinned.

"Well, I'm glad its time to bail, I'm fuck tired." I said, yawning as we made our way towards the car.


Grasping the brush and yanking it through my hair, and throwing it on the bed before leaving the room, going down stairs to find the pack, including Seth's sister and Mother, which I had met earlier.


"Hey Sue, Leah." I said, smiling. Leah nodded, much different from Sues welcoming hug, Seth must have been on patrol.

"How are you, darling?" She asked, I smiled and told her about how Seth showed me around the school, she smiled happily. Leah kept quiet.

Quill sat with claire, the two watching a child's program, Quill looking just as interested as Claire was.

It was adorable



Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating, I recently lost a family member, with I hope you all can understand was a hard time for me and updating this story was a bit hard, also I have exams next week, which cuts my writhing time when I study.

So without further a due, my sincerest apologise and I'm going to try update faster.

-not sexy alpaca, apparently.

One Hell Of An Imprint (Seth Clearwater Love Story) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now