Trembling mess

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Daltons p.o.v


I square my shoulders, feeling more comfortable and more relaxed.

I continue to mimic the gentle hum of rhythm from my speakers. Change quickly and apply a minimal amount of makeup, mascara to extenuate my lashes and a swipe of  lip conditioner.

I walk down the stairs till I reach the kitchen to reveal Emily slaving at the kitchen. Paul, Seth and Brady look towards me as I enter the room, they all eventually turn towards their food, except for Seth, who keeps smiling at me.

Turning towards emily, and seeing her stressed motions, I ask "Need help, Emily?"

"No thanks sweetie." I raise an eye brow, she simply smiles and Continues with she is preparing. I walk towards to the couch where the three  are sitting. I sit on the end Anext to seth. I have my wrists leaning on my legs as I'm hunched towards the television.

"Hey Dalton?" Paul turns to me with a face I want to punch.

"Yes?" I sound so stupid.

"Are you, like, single?" She asks.

"N-no I haven't talked i-in a while. I-I'm just getting used to talking." Do I have to explain? They have probably noticed my scares. If they ask. I wont hesitate to hurt.

"My dad died and I wouldn't talk t-till recently-y. Its hard not to stutter I'm trying my hardest not to" I Smile. Hurt across my face.

Sorry I didn't know." He looks down. The fuck he is!

"Emily-y would it be okay if I go out for a bit? Ill be back soon." I ask.

"Sure. Just be back soon." She smiles. I wave to the boys.

"Can I come?" Seth catches my attention.

"U-u-m Sure" I smile. I wait for him to catch up. He runs up to me and we begin to walk. Walk out the drive way. When I see a blue familiar Chevy Shoot past me. He's going down the drive. I gulp and follow the car. Seth behind me.

We reach the start of the drive way. My chevy parks and a man with short brown hair and the bluest eyes appears. He looks head to toe at me a I cough.

"Dalton?" The boy asked. Seth in next to me in a matter of seconds with a face of pure madness.

"Uh..Yeah." I try not to stutter.

"That will be five hundred miss. The transfer and delivery of the car." He states.

I smile and nod I reach in my skirt pocket to retrieve my wallet. My parents are loaded. I work for my money before they give it to me. It doesn't fell right if I don't. I open my wallet. It's heavy. I count the notes till I have the correct amount and give it to him.

"Thanks Miss." He walks of. A friend must be following him to give him a lift back. Strange.

I turn to Seth and smile. He smiles and I grab his hand. Pulling him to my car. Hey chuckles. Oh my. He's blushing! I notice my hand is still there. I take it away and smile.

"H-hop in!" I grin. He smiles and enters. I giggle and jump in. I hug the steering wheel.

"I want your love and I want your revenge" I sing quietly as I start the engine. Beautiful purr.

"You know your really good at singing." Seth grins.

"Thanks Seth. Im nothing perfect but I want to start a career singing. Probably wont happen but you know. God might take pity on me and Ill get recognised." My eyes go wide. I didn't stutter.

"Your perfect Dalton. Trust me" I blush. I change the subject

"So. How do you know sam.?" I ask reversing.

"Just family friends and Emily makes mean blue berry pancakes." Seth smiles. Flashing his perfect teeth. I giggle.

So what brings you to La Push?" He asked. What do I say? Im a antisocial freak who tired to end her life twice?

"My Mother wants me to live here. I don't mind though. I like it very much." I didn't want to talk about my dad in fear I might breakdown.

"Yeah Its pretty awesome here." He grinned.

I grin at the glass. Oh no. Where the hell am I going?! I bite my lip and mentally scream.

Mother fucker!

"Where should we go?" I ask bravely holding my breath. Fudge!

"Um. The beach?" Seth suggests with a smirk. I think my ovaries just exploded. Jesus this boy is handsome.

"Sure" I flash a little smile and put the metal to the pedal. Im probably sweating like a pig. Oh no. Im blushing. Jeez Doll! Keep it together. A Flash of pain attacks my body. I just reminded my self about my father. Shit. I mentally slap myself and get it together

I see the sea on the horizon. Finely!


Seth p.o.v ;)

I sit with the girl of my dreams in the passenger seat of her chevy. Beautiful girl with a sweet car. She is so adorable. Since I saw Her I could not stop thinking about her. Her Bright Red hair. Ivory Skin and last. Her breath taking eyes. Her heart exhilarates and she bites her lip. I want to bite it.

She looks curvaceous and Angelic in her band-tee. Led zeppelin. Thank god it isn't a Bieber shirt.

I smile at the ground, Ive bean driving the pack crazy with my constant thoughts about Dalton.

Once Sam found out He wasn't happy.

He said she wasn't ready for a partner with the loss of her father. She has had a tough time. Paul asking if She had a speech impediment Made me furious. I wanted to beat the smirk of his face. Defiantly when I saw pain cross her face. My poor Beautiful girl. Shes mine and Ill do whatever it takes to keep a smile on her face where it defiantly belongs.


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