The wolf, and the freaky chick with the fire.

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Sitting on the small, honey coloured bed, carefully listing to every word that escaped Seth's mouth. A part of me, still thinks that I'll wake up at any moment. The clouds grey and dull.

"Thats- its not possible-" My voice soaked in confusion.

"It is, trust me." He said sternly

"But, the legends are true?" I asked, my eyes melting into his. I shock my head, in obvious disbelief.

"Yes, they are." Letting his words sink in, and his eyes filed with honestly, I came to realise that I believed him.

"I believe you Seth, when did it start?" He smiled, and began explaining.

"When my father passed-" His expression became sad, the guilty feeling began to sink into my soul.

"Sorry Seth, I shouldn't have asked-"

"Its fine, as I was saying, when he died, me and Leah phased for the first time."

"Did it hurt?" The wonder and concern, easily detected from my horse voice.

"Well, at first yes. The first time you phase, its agonising." Nodding, looking for more answers.

Suddenly, without any notice his lips press to mine, surprising me. Slowly wrapping my arms around his neck, whilst he repeats with my waist. Slowly, our lips in sync. A soft grown escapes my lips, my blush slowly spotting my face. I feel his smirk.

"Now, your turn." His eyes bare into mine, suddenly making me very insecure.

"Since I was about eight, I had shown elemental powers, which are controlling the weather and elements-

"Could you show me?' His eager voice presses. I smirk, and nod. I grab his arm and pull him up, and drag him towards the window, giving a perfect view of the woods.

"What would you like me to control?" Raising my arm towards the clouds, they forming spirals, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Uhh, the sky? Could you make it sunny?" His eyes light up, nodding slightly I raise my arm again, and my right arm, parting the clouds with my powers, focusing my energy. Slowly, the clouds evaporate, leaving a beautiful clear blue sky, The sun casting though the window.

"Thats wicked.." His eyes meet mine, his grin wide.

"Thanks, as I was saying. My powers came at eight. My father.. helped me mostly considering he was a trained elemental. He died and I stopped using my powers, until recently, which I became.. Mute.."

Nodding, and holing my small hand in his large, hot ones. Urged me to continue.

"Elements have a forum, have you seen mine?" Preparing to change, I mentally note not to touch seth.

"I-I think, could you show me?" Nodding, I move back, concentrating. I feel a brush of wind, my clothes evaporating whist being replaced with the shield cover, my red hair, burning flames. He steps back, eyes wide. Once again, concentrating. My skin slowly fades blue, my fiery hair burning down and forming icicles. I quickly phase back into my human body, Seth momentarily shocked.  

"That was my fire forum, and my ice forum. I haven't mastered my earth or water yet." Stepping towards him, his eyes wide with astonishment.

"T-Thats amazing, Dal." Smiling at my nickname. 

"Thanks, it freaked me out a bit though, when I changed." Laughing softly.

"Now, Its your turn to show me." Whispering in his ear, he pulls me back.

"Sure? Its dangerous-"

"Please?" Carrying out the 's'. I knew he would. 


After several minutes of constant arguing, I finely rode on his back, which he insisted. Clutching onto his strong, toned shoulders, whilst he supported me with arms around my waist, carrying my like a insolent child.

"Seth, I feel like a toddler." One again complaining.

"Shh, I love holding you." I let out a very, unladylike snort, which caused him to roll, his breathe taking eyes.

The sun still shining,  for as long as I wish, shone upon us, finely letting my translucent pale skin to get some sun, which I was very grateful for.

"You know, your hair is really red." Breaking the quietness, seth remarks.

"Oh gosh! Didn't know!" Gasping in fake astonishment. "I know, Seth. I hate it, I'de much prefer to be a brunette, or possibly a ditsy blonde-"

"Well, I want you, the redhead. Not a brown headed girl, nor a blonde."

"Well, thats sweet, but you're not the kid who got called Miss Weasley by her cousins." Seth, let out a loud laugh. Narrowing my eyes.

"Its not funny! My kind are going extinct." He smirked, slowly letting me down.

"Alright, ginny. Do you want me to phase or not?" His charming voice, dripped in sarcasm.

"Yes, Seth." He nodded, whist running behind the bushes, my brows furrowing. What on earth is he-

Suddenly, a huge, sandy coloured wolf, stepped out from the trees, my heart pounded loudly.

"S-Seth?" I asked quietly, his huge head nodding gave it away.


Sorry its short, I needed to give you all something. I feel awful for not updating with good material, or long enough for that matter. I'm trying believe me.

I love you all, remember to please, vote comment and fan <3


One Hell Of An Imprint (Seth Clearwater Love Story) HiatusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon