Covering up the truth

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"There you are." I smirk at Seth as I catch his glance. He has a look of surprise and confusion.

"Hey." He smiles, I can see through it.  He opens his arms for me. I cheerfully jump into his embrace.

"Where were you?" He asks concern plastered on his face. I smile.

"Forgot something." I try to cover up the guilt.

He side smiles and pulls me towards my car, Wait- he has explaining to do!

"Where were you for five periods?" I pull away and cross my arms. He pales.

"I had to see my sister- Um she.." He trials of. I raise an eye brow. He gulps. I let out a slight giggle. His fear escapes his face and is replaced with a wolfy smile.

"Thats my Favourite sound." He mumbles as he grasps my hand. The same shot of energy shots up my arm. Does he feel it too? I walk to the drivers seat, He shakes his head left and right. Groaning I sulk to the passengers seat.

"Theres a bonfire tonight. You coming?" He speaks up. I nod. I snuggle into the car seat as the beautiful scenery passes by. He smiles at me.

"Yeah sure, I would love too." I smile at him. "What happens there?" I question.

"Oh um, Jakes dad just tells the Tribes legends." He splutters out nervously. . Whats he hiding?

I smile at him.


Seth's pov (I know right?!)

I'm scared she'll leave me if I tell her the truth, I asked sam when would it be the right time. He told me to phase in front of her After the bonfire. I was shocked when I saw her in the woods, Sam told me that his family carried the elemental jean. Rarely females are lucky enough to have it.

Dalton seamed extremely scared and worried, which made me worried. I would protect her from anything that would try hurt her, the thought of somebody hurting her makes me furious. She dons't know anything about the tribe.

I grip the steering wheel tighter. But how can I do it with out her completely terrified? I sigh.

"You okay?" Her sweet angelic voice nocks me out of thought.

"Yeah, just tired." I lied. I couldn't possibly tell her the truth, she would bolt for the exit.   

She gives me a worried look and nods. Her soft ivory skin contrasts against her breath taking blue eyes.

I'm so blessed to call her mine. I know what she is. I love her more and more each day. Sam explained how Imprinting worked, It just keeps getting stronger.

Were meant to be together

Dalton pov


We pull up outside Sam's. I jump out and meet Seth in front of the hood. I press my lips to his.

He seams stressed. I pull away and smile at him. Grabbing my hand, he leads me inside. Emily is standing in the kitchen, Typical.

"Hey em." I smile as I plop down. I pull Seth down next to me. I giggle as he plants a kiss on my lips. He pulls away smirking. I jump as the obnoxious slam of the door collides with the shaking door frame  

"Phew, lucky I walked in. You guys were about to fuck on the couch." Paul smirks. Something flashes in my eyes. I feel my skin heat up.

"Watch what you say." I growl. My hands are tingling with heat.

"Yeah? What are you going to do." He snorts. Seth growls I turn to Seth and his eyes enlarge.

"Well, I think the description of your tong being cut off is a little to violent for me to describe." My hands are now burning from anger. Thunder crashes as my rage increases. Emily is trying to calm me down. Dalton is gone.

I run outside. The thunder increases as my anger excels. I run into the woods where I know I can't hurt anyone. I'm just praying to god they don't follow me.



~In a different dimension~

"Hey heres that cover you asked for, Free candy."

"Oh gosh, thank you. I've bean working hard on the plot and this is just, lovely thanks!"

~end of happy time~

;~; yep, I had to make a shitty one. I'm sorry for my horrible cover.

I love Draco, and I  wrote a fanfic about him. Because its one in the morning and I cant stop thinking about hogworts (slytherin!). It would be awesome if you could just check it out, I just wanted to see if people like it. ANNYWAAAAYYS.

Yes, dalton is crazy, sirisly I'm not pottering around here!




Ill update as soon as inspiration hits me ;)

- You're head mistress of hogwarts, Free candy <3

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