All Hallow's Eve

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Tony's POV
"You're coming to the party right?" I ask my little sister

"Do I really have a choice? If I don't show I'm sure you'll find a way to bring me anyways" she laughs out in response

"Correct! I miss you and I just want you to have fun... You can't be miserable and mope around forever. What are you going to dress up as?"

"Well, I guess depressed little sister, so should I come with running mascara and sweats?" She responds in an annoyed tone

"Hey, that's not what I meant. I just mean I want you to get out and smile again. Please! I'll send you some fun costumes." I cheekily respond

"That means 'slutty' right?" She replies and I can feel the eye roll through the phone.

————————-30 mins later————————



That's either the pizza and wings I ordered or the costumes my brothers probably had on standby waiting for me to agree to the party. Lucky me, it's the costumes. Looks like I have "maid," "nurse," and "nun." He must think he's hilarious. Only my brother would be trying to get me laid at a Halloween party. That's Tony Stark for you.

My choice is 'slutty' or prude, his message is clear. I have a few tricks up my sleeve though, and times on my side. I'm definitely going to shock him. As I got home from my shopping I see I have about 6 hours to pull this costume together.

Tony's POV

The parties underway and my sisters yet to arrive. I hope she didn't chicken out or that my costumes didn't actually upset her.

"Who's that?" I hear someone say so I turn my head to the top of the staircase. That little shit!


I walked in and as I assumed all eyes are on me. Also as expected, Tony looks pissed.

"Hello brother" I greet him with a hug and a cheeky smile

"When I asked what you were wearing, and you said you didn't know, was this already the plan?" He questions me

"Oh no, I received your options and they just didn't do. So I decided, why not use my free time and do a little DIY. You don't like it?" I question in faux hurt

"You always look beautiful, but this? Why? Are you trying to embarrass me?" He whines

"What? Am I one upping you? Well boohoo, get over it." I say as I run off to the bar because I need a drink.

Nat's POV

"Who's that? She's gorgeous and costumes brilliant." I say as I admire this mystery woman from afar

"No clue, but she seems to know Stark very well. He looked both relieved and pissed as they hugged." Wanda replied to me.

"Well wish me luck, because I need to get to her before the others do." I say as I slam my shot back and make my move.


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