Sweet Treat ... Part 2

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Nat's POV

"Want to get out of here? I can introduce you to the delicacy, and the many flavors it comes in?"

"Really?!" Y/N all but yells in question.

"Of course detka! It would be a dream come true for me to take a pretty little thing such as yourself out." I reply with my hand extended out to bring her with me.

"I'll get Lena...?" She questions

"Nope!" I reply as I drag her giggling form out to my bike.

"We'll be back later!" I shout to Yel as I close the door preventing any rebuttal.


We just walked into this place called Baskin Robbins. They advertised something about like 31 flavors, which seems excessive. Natasha, after some minor threatening it seems she has convinced the teenage boy behind the counter to give her a sample of every available flavor.
She lined the tiny samples meticulously along the tray to mimic the way they're displayed in the tubs. She got some water for a 'palate cleanser' and brought me the ice cream with a bright smile.

"Here! Try each one, then I'll buy you whatever your heart desires."

After I tried many flavors, some absolutely nauseating, like strawberry cheesecake
(or y/l/f flavor - I just hate this one)

Nat's POV

Watching Y/N try something as simple as ice cream just warms my heart. I remember when I first got out, I was the same way. The first slice of pizza I had was mesmerizing.

*bleh* I hear Y/N all but gag.

Y/N definitely doesn't like the strawberry cheesecake (y/l/f). Her reactions are hilarious. Except for when she innocently moaned for icing on the cake. That just made this experience far less wholesome for me and slightly distracting.

"Settle on a favorite yet, detka?" I lowly husk out.

"Well you! You made my day, I love Yel, but you're stealing her spot quickly." She winks causing me to chuckle

"Definitely torn between icing on the cake and y/f/f."

"No need to choose love. Cup or cone?"

"Surprise me, do what you recommend! What flavor are you getting?"

"Cone it is. I'll even get you a fun one! Sorry to disappoint you but I'm getting one scoop of strawberry cheesecake, and one scoop of vanilla bean."

"Oh... I don't know if I can forgive you for this atrocious taste you have." She playfully remarks

"So, does me liking you equate to atrocious taste?"

"No, actually it might be the only thing redeemable about your taste. You seemingly survive on PB sandwiches, literally with no J and that's questionable to say the least. Even I ate better in the red room." She laughs

"Hey! Don't mock my taste in cuisine. I like it simple."

I faux annoyance, with a pouty lip, as I get up to order our ice cream. Leaving a $20 tip for the teen I scared earlier.


So, Nat got me what's called a waffle cone bowl. She added whipped cream, and sprinkles with cherries on the side.

"I wanted you to have the full experience!" Natty says while popping a cherry, with the stem, into her mouth. She maintains steady eye contact with me before pulling the perfectly tied stem back out of her mouth.

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