The Forgotten Triplet Part 1

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No One's POV

Upon agreeing to Hydra's experiments, Wanda and Pietro had made a deal for their triplet, Y/N's, safety. Y/N didn't want any of it, so if the two of them at least agreed she'd be left out of it. That was eight years ago and they all but forgot about their deal... actually more like they forgot about Y/N

Wanda's POV

I'm alone, I've lost 'everyone.' One day I'm in Hydra's box, then next I'm with a robot created by STARK that was set on destroying him. Pietro and I were set on the same goal. In the end, Ultron was far more interested in ending humanity and so we 'twins' had to jump to the other team. Now I'm in a compound with people that only see me as the monster that brought forth their darkest dreams and or memories. Steve's trying to make me feel welcome but I still feel alone. 


I woke up in a plastic box, weird! I fell asleep in my bed, snuggled up to my cat, and now I'm here. Well I guess I'm as good as dead, yay me. As I look around I see some symbols.. Hydra. The stupid organization my fellow triplets signed themselves up for and completely abandoned me for. They were always more in sync, treating me like an extension and not like a part of the unit. I know they love me, but clearly not enough to leave me out of their affairs ... or to reach out and tell me they do. Well whatever this is I know I'm in for quite the day. Oh, just what I'm waiting for, creepy men in tactical gear.

"Greetings Y/N. Welcome to your new home." guy #1 barks out

"How's the rent?" I snark back

"Quiet! Only speak when instructed. As we were saying your siblings went rogue, so now we get you in replacement." guy #2 instructs

"Oh goodie. So I heard my brother's like super fast, and my sisters got some wiggly woos, and brain control powers. What do I get?" I reply against instruction

"A beating!" guy #1 commands back with a smirk.

Tony's POV

"Sir, incoming video message from an unknown source. It seems to be issued to to Maximoff's" Friday announces.

"Thank you Friday, call a meeting together please." I reply

What could this Maximoff girl have brought our way now...?

"Hello, it seems a video's been sent to us, but it's intended for 'The Maximoff's.' For everyone's safety I've chosen to bring everyone here to watch it. Friday, open the file"

Wanda's POV

As the video starts I have my head down wondering what it's about, then I hear her.

"Any last words?" The guard asks her as she sits tied up to a chair.

"Ooh, and here I was thinking it was a last meal. I guess, my last words would, F*ck you very much." she replies as he connects his fist to her face then turns to the camera

"Well Maximoff's, looks like the deals off. You never should've gone rogue."

"Wanda! Pietro! It's okay, I love you, I'm not mad anymore. Just continue on like you have the last eight years..." she says before being cut off with a punch to knock her out. 

"Looks like you were so caught up in your own noise you forgot about your precious sister. Bye, bye."

I hear nothing anyone says. All I feel is pain. She's right, we forgot her. Blinded by our need to avenge our parents we forgot to protect her, to check on her. To even consider how going rogue could harm her. She's the best of us and now she's paying for our mistakes. They also have her believing Pietro's still alive.

"Please help" I say as I seemingly pass out.

Nat's POV

I still feel so angry at Wanda for what she did to me with her mind games. I can also sympathize with all the loss, heartbreak, and the guilt of betraying a sibling. 

"Tony tell me you've tracked the video back to the sender!" I yell out

"Why would I? So I can bring another person on board that hates me?" he retorts back

"This girl is innocent Tony, and you know that. You're also aware that you're not guilty for what happened to their parents. Wanda knows that now, and this girl won't even care in the end if we keep her from death." I scream back while Wanda's still passed out on my shoulder.

"Fine, I'll get the location, but it's your problem, I'm not going."


Steve, Sam, Wanda, Bruce and I load onto a quinjet. Something about the mystery triplet just pulled me in. She's really pretty, the Maximoff's have an incredible genetic makeup. I think what really pulled me in was that she's not the kind to back down. She was witty, and fought back. I just hope she's alive, I hope she's strong enough for this part.


I'm not feeling that great. I've slipped in and out of consciousness quite a few times. I have like hardly any faith that I'm going to survive and now I'm feeling bad for any additional guilt I put on them calling them out for ghosting me. At least I got an I love you in. 

Wanda's POV

We just landed and I'm trying my hardest to connect to her mind. She's too weak to hold a connection, but I hope she heard me say "I love you"

"Natasha, first floor's clear." Steve says into the comms

"Second floor it too" I say into mine

"Well I got quite the crowd on the third, back up needed." Natasha states

I sprint my way to her and before Steve's there to help I throw them up and then back down, knocking them out. 

"Let's go" I usher out and head to the back in hopes to find Y/N. I blow every door open and NOTHING

"Wanda, over here!" Nat yells

Nat's POV

I found her, she's in rough shape, but there's a definite pulse. As I'm untying her she gasps at the pain of her arms being released. Then she opens her eyes, and at first her gaze seems scared. Then her eyes soften as I assume she realizes I'm here to help.

"Pretty" she says to me before passing back out.

I chuckle to myself, then I swoop her into my arms as Wanda runs up.

"Keep the path clear, we need to hurry!" I say to the shocked Sokovian

She immediately runs ahead as I run behind with her sister who's barely clinging to life.  

1,065 words ... Part 2 will be posted soon (: 

<3 Kaitlyn

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