My Heart-It Beats For You

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It wasn't going well for you on the fourth floor of this Hydra building, you'd been sent here alone by the ill informed Captain America. Meant to disarm the bomb, while Natasha, Steve, and Tony all handled the goons below. Except there were goons everywhere around you—they had you cornered within seconds, and there wasn't much you could do now.

"Y/L/N, what's the hold up? We still need to collect the information on the fifth floor!," Natasha, who was in charge of said extraction, barked into the coms over a grunt, and when met by your silence she grew worried., "Y/N?," her heart stilled at your continued silence, you were never one to ignore a page, yet here you were ignoring her and it left her feeling uneasy.

"Steve, something's wrong.," she concludes, and before the man could wave off her worries she was abandoning her post and trudging up the flights of stairs to reach you. Only to burst through the door to find you crumpled on the floor, surrounded by an ever flowing puddle of your own blood., "Dear God, what happened?"

Natasha surveyed the room, noticing that whomever was here had already vacated, with her body now kneeled beside yours her hands were careful when flipping you onto your back, and she nearly failed to keep herself composed. The entirety of your face was stained crimson, and there were marks all over your now bare arms, the suit you're in now partially torn.

"Y/N. We have to go.," she tapped your face a few times, the sticky feeling of your blood on the pads of her fingers enough to make her nauseous, but it settles once your eyes open., "Am I in Heaven?," you smiled dopily up at the redhead., "I always knew you were an angel."

In any other case the woman would blush, hell, she'd even flirt back with you as is her norm. But in this moment she can't even return your smile, because judging by your smiling face things were not looking promising for you., "Hey, tell me, can you feel your legs?," she gripped on to your calf tightly over your suit, and she could feel her resolve breaking when you gasped in pain., "Ow, Natty that hurts..."

With quick precision she evaluated the rest of your wounds, using gauze from her thigh pouch that she kept around for moments like this she shoveled it in wherever she deemed appropriate, then she gave you a soft smile., "It's going to be okay krasivaya, don't worry."

Natasha was short on time, but she was still gentle as ever when pulling you onto your feet, her heart absolutely breaking as you whimper., "I know honey, but we have to go.," she gazed over to see the bomb ticking., "Guys, vacate the building, I have Y/N, but she's in no condition to handle the bomb.," your body jolted out of her hold at the reminder of your job, but her arm looped back around your waist and pulled you into her., "Natty, let me go, I can't fail you."

"Look at me.," her hand was firm, but gentle as she gripped your chin., "You could never fail me, well unless you were to die, so let's go.," your lip wobbled., "B-but the mission...," she was growing impatient., "Doesn't matter!," her demeanor left no room for argument, and quite frankly you were too tired., "Hold on tight.," her hand was now firmly placed over your hip, holding you against her while simultaneously covering one of your many bleeding wounds as she hurriedly rushed out of the room.

She really hated how you were about to risk it all for fear of not being enough, and for her at that—you were absolutely everything to her, but she sees now that she didn't tell you that. The love she held for you wasn't exactly locked away, but it wasn't something she outright said and now she is really regretting holding out as your body slumps even further into her own., "Natty, I'm tired...," the ground slightly shook, signaling the bombs minute mark., "Fuck."

Natasha wasn't showing it, but the woman was freaking out because though neither of you would lose limbs, you were still too close to the activation sight to leave unscathed and you quite frankly couldn't handle anymore damage. Even in your loopy state, you were painfully aware of your survival odds., "Natasha.," she grunted while dragging your nearly lifeless body down the mile long hallway towards the fire escape., "You need to leave me behind."

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