A Chance Encounter: Part 2 *SJ*

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Dinner, and a Movie... Star

Ever since meeting you at the park just two days ago Scarlett's been unable to get you off her mind, and the thoughts are completely all over the place. One second she's swooning over you and the way you made her heart feel lighter with every giggle, or the loving glance you'd cast towards all present children. She thought you were stunning, and she loved the way that you were entirely too easy to fluster, the happy news that you're single was just a bonus.

Then the next she's pacing around her room, engaging in a matter of mental gymnastics on as to why you'd been a volunteer at her daughter's school for the last four years if Angie had only been there for a years time. Deep, like really deep down she'd known you weren't some crazed stalker, but that same gut feeling she has about you has led her astray three separate times, and now she's justifiably paranoid.

"Mommy! I'm ready to go, and I even got Carson dressed too, I put him in that cute sailor creeper and now he's playing in his walker. Are you ready to go yet?"

"Yes my love, I'll be downstairs in just a few minutes, make sure you grab the pie from the fridge." She shouts through the door, then she finishes her look up before heads downstairs, deciding that worrying won't give her answers that only you have, and she's itching for them.

"Mama!!! Ri-Ri is coming over soon!"

"Yes she is, so tell me then honey, did you clean your room?"

"Yes! I cleaned it, and I even made my bed." She beams, and you smile right back at her while also making a mental note to go see the mess that is definitely her "made" bed before the company arrives.

"I'm so proud of you angel, go ahead and watch your cartoons and when you hear the knock on the door come get me."

"Okay mama, I love you!" She says as she throws her arms around your legs, and you rub her back with the hand that's not stirring the contents in the pot, and return the sentiment.

You'd weighed out your options for dinner, and after discovering the blonde beauty doesn't eat dairy, but her daughter devours it you decided to make a baked pasta dish, and created a smaller dish with her altered, vegan portion. Being the overachiever that you are you'd even boiled a potato for the baby; throwing half of it into a blender with the remaining scraps of chicken, and the medley of peas and carrots. Then you settled everything into the fridge, deciding that you'd bake it sometime after their arrival instead of just having it ready.

"Mama! They're here!!"

You finished washing the last counter off just as your daughter called out to you, and your phone dinged with a "motion detected" notification from the Ring camera on your front porch.

"Go ahead angel, let them in."

Angie sprung off the couch, hand making quick work of the locks, you stood behind her with a nervous smile as this is your first time hosting a celebrity in your house, and an intimidatingly beautiful one at that.

"Ri-Ri!"   ....  "Gi-Gi!" The girls squealed in sync, and after sharing a hug it was apparently your turn because the shorter blonde was slamming into your body without much of a warning.

"Hey there Riley, long time no see."

She giggles at your obvious joke, then once she steps to the side you look up to greet your remaining guests. To say you were stunned would be the understatement of the year, all three kids are dressed rather casually, but Scarlett was clearly dressed to impress, and you were left to wonder if she'd no longer been planning to stay for dinner and was just accepting free childcare.

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