Never Alone With You

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A deep, persistent ache settled deep within Natasha's chest as she entered the quinjet; this dreadful assignment of a week long undercover mission—something that once brought her joy in the form of a multitude of adrenaline rushes, now only serves to bring her immense pain. Her mind anxiously searches, a bit pointlessly, for the reason, a saddened smile eventually covering her face when she reaches it; you.

You were to blame; had she just never entered that coffee shop in Manhattan on the third of October five years ago then she'd likely still be joyfully kicking ass, but now she fights with resentment for her good deeds; anything that keeps her from you seems rather pointless. There's hundreds of agents Fury could choose from, but he still sends her on the simplest of recon missions, it's honestly offensive, they're below her Avenger pay grade, and she quite frankly doesn't have the time for such frivolity.

Not when all she wants is to spend every waking minute with you, making all your rambled about dreams come true, and in a way many of them have become hers too. If you'd asked her what her dreams were before you she'd always say she had none, even when that wasn't close to true, she just didn't feel deserving enough to entertain them. Now that she has you though, her answer—always relayed with a lopsided smirk, is that she doesn't need to dream anymore when her wildest one already came true. Boasting about you to anyone will listen is her favorite thing to do, and in turn it's your favorite to evade. Natasha always winds up laughing wildly when you tug on her hand, or hide away in her chest, but she does it whilst rubbing a soothing hand up your back, quelling your persistent anxiety.

The former assassin lays her head down on her pillow that first night, with your lived in hoodie on the pillow beneath her head and your photo clutched tightly to her chest, falling into and out of one of the most restless sleeps of her life. The week continues on just the same too, she enters the jet without anything but getting to you on her mind. With bags in her hands, and under her eyes, she settles into the cockpit.

T-minus two hours, and she'll have you in her arms again, where you belong always.

You'd been worried sick all week, as you always were when Natasha had to leave for a mission, and when said mission was no contact your anxiety was made that much worse. Natasha was an Avenger to the world, but to you she was so much more than her given title; it had always rubbed you the wrong way how the world only treated her as if she was a machine. As if she wasn't allowed to have flaws, because if she did then she'd be of no use to them, and in theory to the world, but that wasn't the case.

Natasha was the sweetest person you'd ever met, all the media told lies about her being a stone cold assassin went out the cafe window when she first smiled at you. Caught in the widows web you always joked, but it wasn't a fable, Natasha had your heart from day one.

Today was the day she was meant to return to you, you'd spent all of yesterday cleaning the house in preparation, and now you stood with a warm mug in one hand, your phone in the other, and a smile on your face once your phone pinged. Looking down to see the one emoji'd text from her— a home, the sight alone had the power to make your anxiety melt away.

Before leaving the house you made sure to pet Liho., "Mommy will be home soon sweetie.," you coo'd while scratching his chin, and he meowed, almost as if he knew what you said. You reckon he did on some level, this sequence was a familiar one for him as you grabbed your keys and set off to meet your lover at the base.

Once the jet landed Natasha was already at the back of the jet., "You really missed her, huh?," she turned to her mission partner with a sad smile., "More than I ever imagined possible.," Wanda placed a comforting hand to her best friend's shoulder., "You know, you could always retire from Shield.," Natasha furrowed her brows at the younger woman words, the thought had crossed her mind, but she didn't ever make any moves to do it., "Just tell Fury you'll be available for the end of the world nonsense, but that it's only fair you have off time off like the others do for a family."

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