Chapter 26

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*Rick's POV*

I was running across a feild crying holding Adelyne's limp body in my arms. No no no she had been shot. Not her I was not going to lose her not like this she was my daughter no way. Carl was running with Shane and an older overweight man who stumbled.

"Hey you move shithead go on get us there!" Shane yelled.

I turned holding her.

"How far?! How far?!" I screamed.

"Another half mile that way. Hershel. Talk to Hershel he'll help your girl."

I kept running and Adelyne was getting heavy I adjusted her and kept running and I came in view of the house and my running increased. When I was running up an man stepped out with two women.

"Was she bit?"

"Shot by your man" I said.

"Otis?" a blonde woman asked.

I ignored her and started walking at a pace.

"He said find Hershel that you? Help me help me my girl!"

My arms started giving out and he rushed me inside.


I layed Adelyne down on the bed Hersel took me too.


"Is she alive?" I asked.

"Pillowcase" Hershel said again not answering my question.

"Is she alive?"

"Fold it make a pad put pressure on the wound" he told me.

I did as he said and layed in over her wound putting pressure down.I waited and Hershel checked her for a heartbeat adn the suspense was terrible. Please don't let it be to late please.

"I got a heartbeat, it's faint" Hershel told me.

My breathed a sigh of relief she was still alive.

"I got it step back" a blonde woman said cutting between me and Hershel.

He told the other woman Maggie what he needed.

"Your name?" his question was directed at me but he didn't look at me.



"I'm--I'm Rick" I said with a stutter looking down at Adelyne.

'Rick we're gonna do everything we can okay? you need to give us some room" he told me.

I stepped back not taking my eyes off of Adelyne and that's when I seen Otis, Shane, and Carl all running towards the house through the window. My shirt was covered in Adelyne's blood. I stepped outside as they ran up and Carl ran straight into my arms.

"Dad is she okay?" he asked.

I hugged him swiftly and moved away.

"She's alive? She's still alive?" Otis asked.

I rubbed my face with a sad look alomst ready to cry. How could I let this happen? Shane came up to me.

"Hey-- okay. It's okay" he wiped my face with a rag. "You got blood, man"

He handed me the rag and I held it in my bloddy shaking hands. Shane looked at me.

"Where is she? Where is she? Is she okay?" Shane asked and I just went back inside as they followed me.

We walked into the room where she was and we all looked at her and again my heart sank. Oh Adelyne no. Hershel was putting pressure on her wound as she layed there completely unconcious.

"You know her blood type?" He asked.

"A- positive, same as mine" I told him.

This meant she needed blood and I was going to have to be the one to do it. Hershel glanced at me.

"That's fortunate. Don't wander far I'm gonna need you." He looked at Odis the amn who shot my daughter. "What happened?"

"I was tracking a buck. bullet went through it. Went clean through"

"The deer slowed the bullet down which certainly saved her life. But it did not go through clean it broke up into peices. If I get the fragments out... I'm counting six"

Otis walked up to the blonde woman behind me.

"I never saw her. Not until she was on the ground."


My thoughts were scattered and then my thoughts went to Lori. She loved Adelyne just as much as I did. My whole family loved her she needed to be here and so did Daryl he was going to freak out. I know for a fact her cared about her i seen it when he looked at her. But all I could think about was Lori didn't know.

"Lori doesn't know."

"I know" Shane told me.

"My wife doesn't know. My wife doesn't know."

I started to tear up.

"You gotta stay with her man you hear me?" Shane put his arm around my shoulder.


Oh no Adelyne has been shot. I know it's originally Carl but I wanted to change it up. How's Daryl going to react when he finds out. Will Lori be in peices just like Rick?


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