Chapter 2: Familiar Faces

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"Who the hell are you?" I yelled at the unknown animatronics. They looked like my gang, but they were uglier, and quite greasy.

"Allow me to introduce myself." Said Freddy. "I'm Freddy. This is Bonnie, that's Chica, and last but definitely not least, Foxy."

"Hah! You wish!" I mocked them. "I'm Freddy! That is Chica, and Bonnie." I took a moment to think.

"Wait a second!" The one they called Bonnie said. "Maybe, our group was replaced by these new animatronics!" He could be right. They did look a little outdated.

"Arrrr!" The one they called Foxy piped up. "The lad has a point!" That was true.

"Well then I suppose it would be mandatory to introduce MY gang. I, am Toy Freddy. That is Toy Bonnie, and that's Toy Chica." I said. "But there is another. In the room they call Kid's Cove, lays Mangle the fox."

"Another fox you say?" Asked their Bonnie. "Hey Pirate!" He nudged Foxy. "Hear that? Soon enough you'll have a new GIRLFIREND!" He started laughing.

"Very funny Bonnie!" Said their Chica. "But he's still mine!" She walked up to Foxy and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed.

"Yeah right!" Shouted Toy Chica. "He'll be mine in no time! I'm sure he's been putting up with you for too long! After all that time I'm sure he's looking for a new toy to play with!" Toy Chica walked up and kissed Foxy on the other cheek. He was red as a tomato!

"She hasn't changed a bit!" Foxy said chuckling.

"Grrrr!" Old Chica ran after Toy Chica and punched her in the face.

"Hey! Hey! Whoa!" Said Old Freddy. He held Old Chica back. Then he was joined by Foxy, also holding her back.

"C'mon guys!" Piped up both Bonnies at the same time. "CATFIGHT!!!" They yelled. "Or maybe CHICKEN FIGHT!!!" They burst out laughing. Our group and their group were going to get along just fine.

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