Chapter 8: The Plot Thickens

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I've had enough of this "Mangle" character messing around with my Foxy. I'm gonna win him back! And also make sure that Toy Chica doesn't get to him either. I came up with a plan. All the old animatronics had been fully repaired. We spent lots of time in the parts and service room, fixing each other up. Bonnie had his face back, My arms were movable, and my beak was in place. There was something I didn't tell the others about. I built a secondary voice box into myself. It was hooked up to an audio system. If I recorded someone's voice, like say Freddy's, I would be able to talk like them. So I decided to have a little chat with Mangle before the night began. Then my plan would work for sure. I saw Bonnie move towards the office.

"Ah!" I heard a little squeal coming from the office. "You're back!" I could tell Bonnie was confused. Jeremy must know Bonnie from the first restaurant. Bonnie went into the party room and prepared to enter his office. This was going to work for sure. I went over to Kid's Cove and talked with Mangle.

"Oh!" Mangle jumped up. "Hey Chica!"

"Hello there, Mangle!" I greeted her, looking as happy as I could. I reached my hand up to make it look like I was scratching my head, but I was really pressing the record button.

"What's been going on?" She asked happily.

"Ahhhh... Nothing really!" I replied. "Just felt like talking to the other girl around here that isn't annoying!" She laughed a bit.

"So you don't like your Toy counterpart?"

"She acts funny! And not the 'ha ha ha' funny, the weird funny!" She laughed some more.

"I know how you feel. Heh heh." She tells me.

"How are things with Foxy?" I was actually a bit curious.

"Oh, they're going great!" She responds. "We like each other. A lot. He doesn't even blush when I kiss him anymore! I still do though!" She chuckles.

"Good to know!" I lied. "Hope you two are happy! Thanks for the little chat, by the way. Now I'm off to scare the nightguard!" I exit the room. I end the recording. Perfect! I know after Jeremy flashes Foxy with the light, he would go back the the parts and service room. That's where everything would fall into place. I headed there to put the plan into action.


I'm gonna get him! Unless he uses that damn flashlight of his. He did, unfortunately.

"Flash flash flash flash flash flash!" He yelled repeatedly at me.

"Arrrr lad! That hurts me eyes!" I howled in pain.

"GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF HERE!!!!!" He shouted as he flashed some more. I needed to go into the parts and service room. There was no light in there unless he used the camera flashlight. That would really tick me off. I would rest for a bit, and maybe come back out in an hour. I open the door and feel my way around for the corner until my eyes adjusted to the dark. I couldn't see in there, but there was always the small crack under the door I could use to get there. I closed my eyes until I heard a knock at the door. Who would be knocking on the parts and service room door? Before I got up to open it, someone entered.

"Hey Foxy!" The someone said. It had to be Rox! They closed the door behind them, and sat next to me in the corner. I still couldn't see, but I don't think she could either. "You remember what I said that one night?" She asked. I smirked.

"Of course, lass. Ye were embarrassed beyond belief." I said back.

"I think I meant it! It might have slipped out accidentally, but I mean it!" I was flattered!

"Ye do?" She scooted closer.

"Yes. I do." She hugged me tight. I hugged back. Then she pushed me on the floor and tackled me!

"Agh! What are ye doing?" I asked in surprise. She said nothing but just giggled.

"That don't feel like a snout, lass." I felt her face.

"I guess that's just how the dark works!" She replied. "I love you." She said.

"I lo-" I was interrupted by another knock on the door. Maybe it was Freddy. "Hide!" I whispered. The others probably wouldn't have been able to keep a secret about this if they saw it. I got up and answered the door.

"I thought I would pay you a visit, Foxy!" It was Rox!

"Rox?" I asked, stunned.

"Yeah! It's me!" She replied. I thought for a moment, and I'm sure she could see the confusion on my face.

"But if you're out here..." Then, just our luck, the nightguard switched on the parts and service room camera light.


"Lass?" I asked Chica. She had that look on her face that just screamed busted.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Rox asked angrily. "Looks like Foxy and I are going to the parts and service restaurant for some KFC!" She pounded her hand and fist together.

"I second that!" Now that I could see, I pinned Chica's shoulders to the wall.

"I suppose it's time for plan B" Chica said smiling.

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