Chapter 11: Confessions

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Old Bonnie and Toy Bonnie were looking a little skeptical about the situation. I nodded at them quickly. The signal.

"Alrighty, lass." I confirmed. Toy Chica didn't show any surprise.

"I knew you would fall for me eventually." She leaned in and I picked her up.

"I'd love to stick around, but I have to go look at the music box and wind the monitor..." Jeremy slipped out of the room and sprinted to the office. Toy Chica crawled over to me lustfully and I picked her up, about to set her on top of me.

"What?!" Chica was mad. But she would find out what was about to happen. Our faces were just an inch apart.

"Sike!" I shout. Both Bonnies run to me and pick her up!

"You heard the man!" They said in sync. They toss her up in the air and I position myself. She comes falling back down. I time it perfectly. I shoot my legs out and she goes flying down the hall.

"See that?" Both Bonnies began. "Chickens CAN fly!" Everyone laughed and applauded.


This is a strange place. I'm not sure how much of this weird stuff I'm going to have to put up with. I see a yellow object flying down the hall at me!

"What the hell is that?" I say to myself as it gets closer. I realize as it gets nearer by the second. It's toy Chica! "AHH!" I scream as it hits me. I fall to the ground and we roll over on the floor.

"Next time try ducking!" She said, obviously annoyed that she was tricked.

"Come to stuff me in a suit?" I questioned her. "You've messed with the wrong Jeremy this time!" I put her in a headlock and start punching her in the face.

"Cut it out!" She shouted at me. "That's Freddy's job!" I continue punching her until the rest of them gather into the office. I hear the clock ring.

"Six!" I excitedly run out of the building.


Chica and I return to the parts and service room after Jeremy flew out the door. We both sit down.

"Now..." I begin. "What did ye want to discuss, lass?" She looks at me with apologetic eyes.

"Look, I'm really sorry!" She looks as if she wants to cry. "Ever since we were put together, I've had feelings for you! And I still do! I really didn't want to cause a ton of trouble, but it's too late. I already did. Why didn't you ever like me back?" She actually begins to cry now. She rests her head on my shoulder.

"Lass, I forgive ye, first of all. I understand now. And I may be able to answer thy questions. When I came to this restaurant, I felt different. Like I had unlocked something inside me. Then Rox came around. I only started feeling things like this recently, lass. I suppose old Foxy never realized that ye cared about me. And for that, I am sorry. If I hadn't come around with feelings so late, I definitely would have chosen you." She sniffled and wiped away her tears.

"R-Really?" She asks me.

"Of course. And if it doesn't work work out with Rox, I will make sure to give ye another shot." I grinned. She feels happier instantly. I give her a comforting hug, and she hugs back.

"Thank you, Foxy." She smiles. "All I wanted was to get as close to you as I could."

"Well then. Would ye settle for friends?" She looks up at me.

"Yes! A thousand times yes!" She throws her arms around me again.



Damn it! Jeremy is actually getting better at this job! He's lasted his third and fourth night! Tonight is his fifth. We won't go easy on him this time. This is the longest a guard has lasted so far!


Haha! Fifth night! No big deal! I'm definitely coming back for a sixth night. I was gonna listen to that phone guy again. Even though he was annoying. Always telling you shit you don't want to hear. I plopped down in the chair, waiting for my night to begin.

-RING- I listen for the beginning of the message.

-RING- Not quite yet.

-RING- This should be it.

"Hello, hello? Hey, good job, night 5! Um, hey, um, keep a close eye on things tonight, ok? Um, from what I understand, the building is on lockdown, uh, no one is allowed in or out, y'know, especially concerning any...previous employees. Um, when we get it all sorted out, we may move you to the day shift, a position just became...available. Uh, we don't have a replacement for your shift yet, but we're working on it. Uh, we're going to try to contact the original restaurant owner. Uh, I think the name of the place was..."Fredbear's Family Diner" or something like that. It's been closed for years though, I doubt we'll be able to track anybody down. Well, just get through one more night! Uh, hang in there! Goodnight!"

It hung up. Previous employees? Lockdown? What's going on in this restaurant? The night begins. I'm ready.

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