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Hi everyone, and welcome to The Dark and Day! This is different to what I normally publish in that it is actually a collection of poems that I've written at various points in the last few years. I'm baring my soul a little bit here, but I hope you enjoy them :)


This is an original work only published on the ethan_ember Wattpad page, so if you see it anywhere else, please let me know!


The poems in this collection contain themes which may be upsetting to some readers, including (but not necessarily limited to) mentions of: blood, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, gender dysphoria and coming out of the closet.

I am in no way attempting to glorify or advocate for self-harm or suicide. If you are affected by any of these, please reach out to somebody, whether that's me, a friend, a family member or a trusted adult. 

|| MISC ||

If you like this, please vote and comment, and feel free to follow me for more updates on this and my other works! There will be thirteen poems in this collection, for no particular reason other than I like the number thirteen, so updates will be every Tuesday.

Advance warning, I rarely use punctuation at the ends of lines in my poems (except for question marks) and I almost never have a set stanza/rhyme scheme. I also apologise if the spacing seems off, it's the shortest line spacing I can get on Wattpad.

I'd like to dedicate this to the author BlitzyWolf who writes amazing poetry in their stories.

Ethan :)

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