Chapter 4 - The Midnight Move

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Chiyui was staring at Jack trying to figure out what would make him come up with that proposition all of the sudden. Before she could ask, Jack explained, "If you move in with me, we can say that we have known each other since high school. My dad put me through homeschooling during high school because there were threats during those years to his company and he didn't want me going to the private school. He didn't trust them. During those years, I got to know many students who were homeschooled too. There's an online social site where most of those kids used to study together and socialize. Once you are graduate they remove you from their site. We could say that we met online and fell for each other." Jack got a bit shy and Bo noticed.

"That's a brilliant idea, Jack! But, what does that have to do with Chiyui moving in with you?" Bo asked

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"That's a brilliant idea, Jack! But, what does that have to do with Chiyui moving in with you?" Bo asked. Jack turned to face him before he said, "Oh! Look who needs me to spell it out for him now!" Chiyui chuckled before Jack said, "By solidifying our past it would explain why Chiyui would be living with me. She would get her own room as if she were renting the room from me because it is the only way her parents would agree to let her leave the farm. By Chiyui living with me, it would suggest that we are serious and that I would spend money on her as I have with my exes." Bo then got up to get a towel from the kitchen to clean up the mess he made with his beer as he said, "That will actually work."

Jack looked at Chiyui who looked a bit concerned. "Brilliant idea Jack. Just one problem." Bo said as he returned to the coffee table and began wiping the beer off of it. "What's that?" Jack asked. Bo then sat back down on the couch before he asked, "How will we convince Yui's dad to let him move in with you?" Jack forgot about that. Everyone sat back on the couch as they collectively began to think of a way to make it work. Chiyui then gets a text from Sung asking if she will be any longer because they can't get back too late.

"I got it! I will run away!" Chiyui said. Bo and Jack looked at her confused before she explained, "My dad has been threatening to send me to my aunts in Japan for a year if I mess up again. She's a horrible old woman so I have remained on my dad's good graces. However, one night he threatened to send me if I didn't agree to work with him. I then threatened him that I would run away if he ever tried to send me to her. So, instead of me agreeing to work for him...I should stay out all night and get caught in the morning. That way, I run away and when he sends the P.I.'s after me, they won't find me because I will be with you, Jack."

Jack then looked at Bo and he looked like he was deep in thought before Jack looked back at Chiyui. "Are you sure you want to do this? What if your father finds you?" Jack asks. Chiyui scoots to the edge of the couch before she leans over towards Jack and places her hand on his to then say, "Jack, I know you're worried but, trust me. I have run away before. My father never finds me and I always turn up. It's one of the reasons why I work. So I can afford anything I need when or if I run away again." Bo then says, "This might just work. This means Chiyui needs to get to know the basics of farming. Otherwise, your brother JJ will know she's lying."


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