Chapter 2

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Note :

Here Sehgal's and world don't know much about Neil having another younger sister Bela. They only knows that Neil have one younger sister Mitali . As Bela is not much officially announced that she is youngest sister of Neil. Bela is only well known for her work, without surname. So not many knows that she is youngest daughter of Sharma's,  but knows that she have relation with Khanna's.

To the Story.

After 2 1/2 Months Later

At Morning

Sehgal House

Everyone one of the Sehgal family was present in dining area and was waiting for breakfast.

Mahir: Maa, please bring fast the breakfast. I am getting late.

Vikrant was chatting with someone and Yuvi was trying to see with whom he was chatting.

Vikrant: Maa brings fast the breakfast. I am also getting late. Today I have 1 important meeting. And if I am late again, brother will not leave me, because of being late.

Mahir: Already you get late every time.

Yuvi: You are right brother. I have not even seen Vikrant Bro going on time in these 2 months.

Vikrant: That's because in these 2 months Bela has not come to the office, and today there is going to be a conference call with her. And if I am late today then madam will kill me in the conference itself. I don't know why Mahir and Bela are so fond of punctuality? And you Yuvi, when are you joining office?

Yuvi: Maybe after 2 weeks or after 1 month. And by the way with whom you are chatting?

Vikrant: With Vish, do you have any problem?

Yuvi: I have no problem and also have no interest in your romantic talks.

Vikrant: Yuvi shut up your mouth.

At that time Sumitra comes with breakfast with help of servants.

Sumitra: For one thing, I do everything alone. And while sitting here, you keep shouting over here "Maa breakfast". I have only two hands, so it will take time, will it not?

Mahir: Sorry Maa but I have a very important meeting. That's why I was saying.

Vikrant: By the way Bro i also have conference. that too with Hitler, yet I am sitting quietly.

RJ: But Vikrant bro you said that your conference is with Bela and Neil brother. Then who is this, Hitler?

Vikrant: Hey its Bela's nickname is Hitler. That's why I said there is a conference with Hitler.

Sumitra: So, calling by her real name, why are you calling her Hitler?

Vikrant: That's how it is fun to be called by her nickname.

Sumitra: Ok, Vikrant will you do one thing for me?

Vikrant: Yes, I will, but if that work will be finished in 1 hour, then, because I have to leave after an hour, so that I can reach the office on time.

Sumitra: Yes, it will happen within an hour, just I have to ask you something. After eating breakfast.

Vikrant: Ok Maa.

At that time Mahir's phone rings and he attend the call and talk on it. After sometime he ends the call.

Sumitra: What happened Mahir whose call was it?

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