Chapter 4

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Invitation For Sehgal's?

1/2 Month later.
At Sunday Morning,
At Sehgal House.

Everyone one was roaming here and there and was doing there work as it was Sunday holiday.

Vikrant, Yuvi, Rehan, Mahir, RJ, Adi, Bluto and Pratham was Playing Pubg in their phone making group.

Vikrant, Rehan, RJ and Adi one team and Mahir, Yuvi, Bluto and Pratham one team.

While they were playing Sumitra, Andy, Anu and Kuhu comes there and sees all the boys are spread over the couch. While Yuvi's leg was on Adi's lap; Vikrant's head on Mahir's lap; Rehan's head on RJ's chest; Adi's head on Vikrant's lap; Pratham's legs entangled with RJ's legs; Mahir's legs was encircled around Yuvi's waist, like this was their position.

Sumitra (shouted): What is happening here? And how are you guys sitting? Is this a way to sit?

Yuvi : Mother, sitting in the same place, is getting waist pain, that's why we are sitting like this.

Kuhu (in anger): RJ, Is Rehaan your girlfriend as you are making him sleep on your chest

Everyone giggle on It. as everyone knows it was her mood swings.

At that time Vikrant's phone starts to ring and it was Vish . Because of that Vikrant and RJ dies in the game as they get distracted and taking it as opportunity Mahir kill them.
(the King 😄😄😊😊😊)

Yuvi (happily) : Brother what a shot. You killed both of them.

Adi: Hey man Vikrant, I got to killed by Mahir because of you.

Vikrant: What is my mistake in this? The call came, and because of it you and I died by the hands of Mahir.

Anu: By the way Whose call is it, which is ringing so late?

Vikrant: Vish's call it is.

Vikrant attends the call and keeps it in speaker.

Vikrant (irritated) :Hello Vish What's the matter that you called me now? That too at the wrong time.

Vish (annoyed) : I agree that today is Sunday, it does not mean that you go to sleep at 3:00 am and wake up the next day at 3:00 pm.

Vikrant: Hey baby sorry. I was not sleeping, I was playing a game and because of your call, I and others died.

Vish: You and your game Impossible. By the way I called you to give you 2 surprises .

Vikrant (sweetly): Oh baby you have surprises for me?

Vish: Yes dumbo.

Everyone giggle on it.

Vikrant: Yaar I called you baby, sweetly and you are calling me dumbo.

Vish: OK don't be sad. Don't you want to know your surprise?

Vikrant: Yes I want to. Now tell me what's my surprise?

Vish: First surprise is that we both are going for lunch date today.

Vikrant: At last you got time for date with me.

Vish: Yes and sorry for postponing the date.

Vikrant: It's OK. (Towards Mahir) And anyone want to ask sorry on this, then ask your boss tell sorry to The Vikrant Sehgal.

Mahir: I should ask sorry to you, right?

Vikrant (with attitude) : Yes.

Mahir (with attitude) : Oh OK. So The Great Vikrant Sehgal I am sorry, my foot.

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