Chapter 9

67 17 4

Shocking News For Behir


Bela's Room

Bela and Mahir comes out from the balcony and see others still playing game.

Suddenly the door gets knocked and everyone looks at door.

Bela (sternly): Come in!

Samir comes inside the room.

Samir (tensed): Bela there is an emergency and we need you.

Everyone gets shocked except Bela and looks at Bela.

Bela (sternly): Ok, I will come you, can leave.

Samir nods and leaves from there.

Bela (Towards Vish): Vish, take Radha and go to her room.

Vish comes near Bela to take Radha from her. But Radha hugs Bela tightly not leaving her.

Bela (Towards Radha): Radha go with Vish.

Radha was not ready to leave Bela so end ups hugging her.

Bela (Towards Vish): Let it be. She will not listen. Can you bring my phone and EarPods?

Vish nods and bring her phone and EarPods.

Aman: You all leave I will lock the room and come.

Bela (Sternly): No need of you to do that. (Little loudly) Hike close the widows and curtains and turn on the Security System.

The widows and curtains get closed and little signal sound comes.

A Voice: The widows and curtains are been closed and the Security System has been activated.

Everyone leaves the room.

At Living Room

Everyone is waiting for Bela to come. At that time Bela and others comes.

Bela: What happened? And what's the problem?

Neil passes the Tab to Bela. Bela looks through the things written in the Tab.

Neil (sternly): I told you not to approve for this deal taking such a big risk. Still, you approved it. Now see what's happing. We are getting loss.

Bela still doesn't say anything and continues to look after the details.

Samir: Bela its difficult for us to handle the other parties. And Mr. Khan is not attending the call and others are questioning on the loss of us.

Bela (Sternly): Samir brings File of Mr. Khan. Ro do the alternative method to reach Mr. Khan. And who had the account and dealers details?

Ro: It's with Neela Maa.

Bela (Sternly): Maa Bring it.

Neela Maa and Samir leaves to bring the documents and Ro gets into a call.

Neil: Bela...

Bela (interrupt): I am handling it for now.

Ro comes back from the call.

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