Chapter 11

76 18 10

The Treat with Danger and Care

Next Day

At Evening 7pm

At Sehgal Mansion

Living Room

Everyone was present in the house except Mahir.

Sumitra and Vikrant are in kitchen.

Andy, Kuhu, RJ and Yuvi are sitting on the couch doing their own work.

Suddenly the door knocks. Kuhu goes and opens the door.

It was Vish who has knocked the door. Vish hugs Kuhu and comes inside and greets everyone.

Vish was spending time with the members, when suddenly door knocks. The servant opens the door.

A girl comes in and hugs Vish and starts to sob. Sumitra and Vikrant comes to the Living room.

Vish (worried): What happened Suhani? Why are you crying?

At that time Pratham and Mahir comes home.

Pratham's heart clutches seeing Suhani sobbing but he cannot do anything rather than wait.

Vikrant comes near Suhani and pats her head.

Vikrant (caringly): Suhani its ok if you didn't get the job! At least you tried!

Suhani breaks the hugs and whips the tears.

Suhani (weep): I am not crying because I didn't get the job, in fact I got job in Bela's company.

Pratham (signs heavily): If you got job then why were you crying?

Suhani (weep): Because I am happy, that at last I got a job. By that I can cure my mom's disease.

Mahir (smilingly): Yeah congratulations.

Vikrant (smilingly): Yeah, congratulations and...

Vikrant was about say something when Ro comes. Ro goes near Suhani and hugs her.

Ro (smilingly): You both are here, and I was searching for you in Sukoon Ghar.

Suhani (smilingly): I came here as Vish was here.

Ro (smilingly): By the way congratulations and...

Ro signs Vikrant through his eyes.

Vikrant & Ro (Happily shouts): Welcome to Hell!

Everyone gets shocked.

Yuvi (Shocked and confused): You should welcome her by saying "Welcome to Our Office" not hell.

Ro (smilingly): If the boss is Bela, then it's not less than hell. As she is strict and don't like impunctuality and mistakes at work.

Vikrant (smilingly): Also, she treats everyone as employee even he or she is a family member.

Ro (smilingly): Also, the works have been increased as Vish wedding preparation, other business deals and many more works should be done. And also, the employees which are selected in today's interview are temporary employee. And they will be terminated after 6 months. But if you present best performance and involvement in important works, then you can be permeant employee and can get promotion even if you have been working from less than 1 year. And last thing, pray to God that tomorrow you won't be selected as the assistant of me or Bela. Otherwise, you will surely feel the hell from first day of work. Other details will be given to you tomorrow.

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