Little Emo Cheerleader Prologue

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  • Dedicated to Hailey B; My best friend!


 I never really believed in cliques. Neither did my small school in Cornith. Weird name, I know. But it was my birth place, and my Mother's birth place. It was home to us. At my school, you were who you were, being different was considered beautiful. Being different was what separated us, and made us our own people. There were no 'populars' or 'loners'. We were all friends. We all belonged in the same group, the same life. Every year 100 or so students would graduate from my school. Proving how small it really was.

 But this autumn, I wouldn't be going back to my school. My quaint little school. Instead I was going to some huge high school in L.A., California. Why you ask? My mom had got a job offering there. Plus the fact our house was infested with termites. We would be living with her best friend from high school, who had married rich and had a single child the same year my Mom had me. I was expecting him/her to be some snot nosed brat, but you never know.

   I crossed my legs as my forehead pressed against the car window. We were moving. Moving away from my life, before regionals, before I could become a senior in high school, before I could graduate next year and before I could say goodbye to everyone at my small high school. I let out a heavy sigh, my black nails tapping against the window impatiently.

 "We almost to the airport Mom?" I mumbled.

  "Almost Honey, just a couple more minutes." she said, her hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel her blond hair flying around her face. It was just me and her. Her and me. No siblings. No Dad. My Father had run out on us when my Mom found out she was pregnant in highschool. She was only 16, and my grandparents weren't much help either. They practically kicked her out before she could pack anything. Another sigh escaped my lips, my eyes following the trees and cars that passed by in my window.

 My mom and I were complete opposites. She had blond, preppy hair. I had raven black hair, the kind that is glossy in  moonlight. One thing I wasn't proud of, since it always got me noticed when I didn't want to. My mother had true blue eyes, ones that sparkled and charmed you. My eyes were a sharp green. I looked just like my father, something that tore my mother's heart to pieces every time she looked at me. It wasn't like I wanted to look like this, I had tried dying my hair and wearing color contacts multiple times, but my mother would always disapprove and turn me back to my boring self.

 "Did you remember your trophies and medals sweetheart?" she said, her eyes fixated on the road ahead of us.

 "Yeah." I muttered, my hand covering my mouth as my head pressed against the window. I pulled on my sweatshirt, picking at it uncomfortably. Itchy, I thought  to myself as I struggle to pull it over my head. I threw it at my mom's head, laughing as she made an 'o' face.  I let out another laugh, my mom smiling at me and rolling her eyes. She had a good sense of humor, and so did I. We were related after all.

 Another thing I didn't mention? I'm a emo cheerleader.


"Flight 204 ready for departure. All passengers please make your way to your seats." a female voice cooed over the intercom.

"Hurry, hurry. This way please!" a voice squealed as we were pushed into the airplane and had to trek our way through the crowded aisle.

"Excuse me. 'Scuze me." I mumbled, flopping down in my 'assigned seat' next to my mom, who was texting furiously on her cell phone. Did I mention? My mom acts like a teenager, I guess she never really grew out of it after my Dad left us.

We were moving to California. We were going to live with my Mom's best friend from high school. Helen was it? It turns out our house was infested with termites, and it was called 'a dangerous zone'. So we were forced to move out of the small bungalow we worked like hell for, and into the arms of some 40 or 30 year old lady's mansion.

"We are now departing for Los Angeles, California.  Thank you for choosing West Jet and we hope you'll enjoy your flight." the lady on the intercom said as I leaned my head on my Mom's shoulder. It was going to be a long flight to Cali.

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