(7) Temper Tantrum (P2)

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                                                          (7) Temper Tantrum (P2)

 I watched as his mouth formed an 'o', and the soggy, butter soaked bread slid down his cheek. Leaving a large skid mark of yellow goodness down his cheek. As if to rub it in just that much more, I licked his cheek.

"Yum." I licked my lips, chuckling as his face went red with anger.

"Roxanna!" he shouted, he stood up, his face masking a look that could've made me pee my pants- if I wasn't laughing so hard.

"Sorry everyone, please excuse me." I chuckled, before standing up and bolting it down the hallway.

His footsteps and heavy breath could be heard from behind me, and suddenly it felt like I was in a horror movie. Why did I do that? I bit my lip, pushing my legs faster as I twisted and scrambled up the stairs. Wait a minute, why was I going up the stairs? That ensured I was going to get caught and murdered!

"Roxanna, get back here!" He roared.

I scrambled into the bathroom, trying to close the door behind me. I failed, seeing how he pried his hand in between in and forced it open. Damn you football player!

"I'm sorry, please don't kill m-"

I was cut off by the strangest thing Lucas had ever done in front of me. He kissed me.

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