(13) We all Scream for Ice Cream

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                                                             (13) We all Scream for Ice Cream

 It took a long time for the competition finally ended, and we were all pleased with coming in first. I guess all the hard work paid of in the end. Finally, Amanda and I were headed out for ice cream, and I happened to have the perfect place in mind.

 After I hugged Lucas that day a week ago, I ended up falling asleep beside him. Amanda being Amanda, she pushed Lucas off the bed and snuggled up next to me. So when I woke up, there was a very pissed Lucas and a very irritated Amanda to deal with. I ended up going for a drive and during that drive, I came across a quaint little ice cream shop, that made me think of Cornith and my old friends. I was overwhelmed with nostalgia, but I knew that Amanda would adore the little shop near the beach.

 We were driving along the dark road, everything was silent but our constant chit chatter and the quiet hum of the radio we had turned low. That is, everything was silent until music blared from another car behind us. They had come out of no where and scared me out of my wits, but we didn't crash if that's what you're thinking.

 The dark blue convertible bumped sides with ours every few seconds as it raced on the opposite of the road, it's engine purring almost in satisfaction. I was half tempted to give in, to race these fools and beat their skinny little asses. But I didn't, I knew somehow we'd get caught. But the blue convertible apparently didn't think so.

 It wasn't until their window rolled down did I realise what was happening. Two black masks stared back at me, and my hands gripped so hard on the wheel, my knuckles turned white. I was scared, frightened. It wasn't Halloween, it was still about three weeks or so away. Were they off to rob a bank, cause a riot, shoot up a little shop? I had no idea, but Amanda was sharing those same thoughts as mine as I slammed on the brakes.

We jerked forward, but the seat belts protected us from crashing through the windows or going too far forward as we came to a screeching halt. A deep laughter filled the air as the convertible continued down the street and then it was gone. Gone from our sights, gone from our view, but not gone from our minds.

 I let out a shaky breath slowly, before continuing down the road. Eventually, I switched the low music off, leaving Amanda and I in silence. We would continue to the ice cream store, for all we knew it was just a bunch of kids just fooling around, trying to scare people as they raced down the back roads in California.

 We reached the quaint little store in under five minutes, making perfect time as we stepped out of the car. We had twenty minutes before the store closed, just enough time to eat our sundaes. Although she looked paler then a ghost only moments earlier, Amanda's face lit up at the sight and her eyes brimmed with tears. The pink exterior and big ice cream cone on the roof seemed to be in perfect tact and the feeling of cornith's over sized roof foods hit Amanda like it had hit me.

"I love it!" She squealed, acting as though she had just received a puppy.

 She almost ran inside, if I hadn't linked my arm through hers, slipping through the double stores and strolling up towards the counter. The amount of flavours was unbelievable for such a small shop and not only was there quantity, but quality as well. I had heard about and experienced myself, the ice cream of the little shop.

"Hello Mister, can we get two double scoop ice creams. One bubble gum and one mint chocolate chip?" I smiled kindly at the old man.

"Of course Miss, that'll be $3.49,"  the man smiled back at us, handing us our ice creams in exchange for my spare change.

 Amanda and I turned around, plopping down in a small booth made for two. Sitting across from us, we licked at our ice creams happily, chattering away about the cheerleading competition, boys and school.

"And then I was like, 'Oh no you didn't!' and he was like 'Oh what the hell you stupid horse!'" I exclaimed, getting into our conversation.

 I was so into talking with Amanda, I didn't notice the two looming figures as they entered the shop. Black masks concealed their faces and black hoodies were adorned on the two figures.

"This is a robbery, everyone get on the floor!"

 The last thing I heard, was Amanda's piercing scream before it all faded to black. I guess this brings a new meaning to we all scream for ice cream, huh?

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