(15) The Muffin Man Strikes Again

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A//N I am, SO sorry for disappearing like that again. And I think you all deserve a proper explanation for my absence. Lately, my computer has been acting weird. Not only that, but some of my files seemed to be changing or deleting themselves. Confused, I looked into it a bit more and found out I had this huge virus that was eating away at my files- and I ended up losing all of my saved work for this book. My computer is broken currently, and has been for the past while. As of right now, I am working off of public computers, and writing during my lunch breaks at my high school. I have been suffering from horrible writer's block, and this chapter took me longer then the average chapter usually takes me. I know you've all been anticipating this one chapter, and I am SO sorry for disappearing like that again. I can only hope you all have it in you to forgive me. I understand this is short, but I'm trying to get something, anything out right now well I work on the future/next chapter (VERY IMPORTANT CHAPTER INDEED, IT WILL BE) - I watched too much star wars last night, okay? Don't judge. YODAAAAAA.

I love you guys, thanks for being a fan, thanks for being patient, and thanks for voting and commenting. You guys drive me, and I love writing for all of you. It makes it all worthwhile when I click post, and I notice people reading it (the little thing on the side that shows who's currently reading it) Every comment you make, every vote you add- it all makes me happy and delighted to know that I have great fans like you. 

 Ah, sorry for being all mushy and stuff. Been having a bad week, my friends and I are fighting again. But that's natural, no? OH, sorry for writing THIS much as an authors note. Jeez, I need to trim this down. 

(15) The Muffin Man Strikes Again

When my eyes connected with his piercing grey ones, my heart dropped and it felt like the world froze around us. Lucas, the boy who picked on me, teased me and made fun of me- but yet, he was also the boy who held me when I cried, carried me around his house on his back, he was the boy who has kissed me in the bathroom and the boy who had yet to tell my mother, much less the world about my cutting habits. And here he was, one of the richest kids in the entire city; robbing a small ice cream shop?

"How? Why?" My voice came out as a whisper and it felt like my heart was sinking further and further with each second he took to reply.

But he never did reply; he merely picked up his mask on the floor, giving me one last hard glance, before turning and running out that door- the door chiming it's beautiful yet tragic tune. 

I was left, sitting on that floor, and I understood that he had to have a reason for doing it all- but the thing that was bothering the most, was the horrible feeling in my stomach and the agony of realizing my housemate was a criminal that bothered me. 

But you don't think of him as just your annoying house mate, do you? 

A nagging voice spoke in the back of my head. I quickly shut it up, confused as why anyone would ever question my hate for him. Yes, that was thee word. Hate. 

* * *

Amanda and I drove home silently, and I couldn't help but let a bitter laugh escape my lips. How hilarious and just when I was starting to like Lucas. My hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel, so hard that my knuckle began to turn white.

"R-roxy, are you okay?" Amanda's soft voice questioned, looking over at me with her big blue eyes. I couldn't help but feel guilty, all this time and I hadn't even once considered Amanda's feelings.

"Just perfect Pickle Cupcake.  Just perfect."

 * * *

 To say I had been furious when I had arrived home was an understatement, but instead of Lucas being there for me to strangle and scream at, no one was home. All that was left for me was a note, explaining that the whole "family" had gone out for dinner, and they had known I was too busy with Amanda at the Cheerleading Competition to come along. 

 I know what you're thinking, why didn't her mom come along, what about Serah and everyone else? Well, I didn't exactly needed my family to see the horrible slutty moves my team had pushed for, nor did I need the embarrassment that would follow. 

Steeping up the stairs to Amanda's and I's bedroom, I slipped under the covers quietly, Amanda following suit. She snuggled up next to me, a loud snore escaping her lips. In those moments, I couldn't have felt more safe. 

I fell asleep quickly, and soon I was dreaming about the muffin man and ginger breads dancing. It wasn't until my door opened slightly and a figure peered in did I jostle awake, one sentence leaving my lips. 

"The Muffin Man strikes again!"

Cue the blood curdling scream.  

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