(10) Your Face!

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        A/N I just want to thank you guys for EVERYTHING. For fanning me, for voting, for commenting and for most of all, being there for me and supporting me. I love you guys, and I hope you know how much I treasure you all!

 Now, without further ado, here's your chapter! It isn't very long, It's about a page, but that's what you guys wanted. Another chapter will be up sometimes this week!

                                                                   (10) Your Face!

  Lucas' lips twitched into a smile, before he masked his amusement and turned away from me. What a bum! As Lucas began to walk away, a thought crossed my mind. A very evil one indeed.

"Ow!" I cried out, holding my leg to my chest as tears rolled down my cheeks. Honey, I know how and when to cry and that happened to be one of those moments "M-my leg! I can't feel it," I whimpered, as Lucas froze. 

 It took him a few seconds, but eventually he turned around and rushed towards me, his face giving away his panic. Lucas scooped me up in his arms, frantically checking all over me.

"M-my leg," I cried out, laughing like a maniac mentally.

"What's wrong with it?" He spoke quickly, obviously panicking. What a dunce!

"N-nothing!" A giggle burst out of my lips as I rolled out of his embrace, laughing like a mad scientist.

A look of annoyance spread across Lucas' features. He had been tricked, again! You'd think he would of learned by then.

"You..." He began, not quite finishing the sentence. His features were dark and he seemed more and more scarier by the second. I didn't quite notice although, seeing as I was still rolling around on the floor, giggling like a school girl.

"Me?" I giggled, pointing at myself. Playing along, I knew this would only piss him off even more. WAY MORE.

"You... Why would you do that? Why would you trick someone into thinking you were hurt? I swear to god Roxanna, you only think about yourself at times like this. Did it ever cross your mind that I was actually concerned for you for once? How could you do something like that, how could you be so stupid!" 

 I felt tears prick at my eyes, I really hadn't meant to anger him that much. I was only trying to get his attention.

"S-sor" I began.

"NO," He shouted "You don't get to say sorry, you worthless piece of crap!"

Tears were now rolling down my cheeks, caressing them. Lucas looked outraged, and slowly I began to back away from him. It was only seconds later did Lucas realize what he had said and how cruel he had been. But it was too late, as I was already out the door.

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