(4) You Traitors!

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                                                                      (4) You Traitors!

"I LOVE YOU LIKE A LOVE SONG BABY! AND I KEEP HITTING REPEAT-PEAT-PEAT-PEAT-PEAT." I hollered, Amanda screaming the lyrics with me.

We were hyper, overly hyper. TOO hyper. Beyond hyper. After finding the cafeteria, they refused to give us PB&J sandwiches, because of a 'health risk'. What 'health risk'? Was the peanut butter some crazed alien goo that turned you into a mutant crocodile? NO. Well, I hope not.So after we bought milkshakes and chocolate bars, we began to run around the halls like idiots. Which we were.

"Roxy?" Amanda paused, pulling her arm away from our linked position.

"Yes Chocolate Muffin?"

"I missed you Banana Waffle!" she cried, hopping into my arms; bridal style.

"I missed you more Sprinkle Cupcake!"

For some reason we called each other food. I wasn't sure myself why in the world we would do it. But honestly, it was as fun as it sounded. AMAZING!

"What the hell are you two doing?" A deep voice spoke, causing me and Amanda to snap our heads in their direction. There stood Lucas, and his two minions; Frank and Gary!

"Frank! Gary!" I cried out, dropping Amanda onto the floor and hugging Gary. Amanda caught on, laughing as she hugged Frank. "Oh how we missed you and you bulky arms!" I said, biting my lip to hold back the laughter.

Frank and Gary stood there dumb fondly, as Lucas' face went red with rage.

"No hugs for you Lucas. 'Cause you were mean to me." I stuck out my bottom lip, nodding my head as I pulled off the puppy dog look effortlessly. Frank and Gary still stood there, managing to do nothing but breath heavily.

Amanda and I burst out laughing, pulling away from the two body builders and me jumping into her arms this time.

"I can't believe you were mean to my Cocoa Donut!" she spoke, although she was speaking normally, it sounded sultry and sexy. AND I WAS A GIRL. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't bisexual or lesbian. I liked men! But Amanda's voice was just so sweet, any man would bow down to her.

"W-we're sorry." Frank spoke, looking at the floor. Gary nodded his head in agreement.

"Well it's too late now. We can't forgive you unless you get on your knees and beg for forgiveness." She said, sticking out her lower lip. The two bulky boys knelt down onto the ground, making Amanda and I snicker.

"We're sorry Princesses." They spoke in unison, making us bit our lips to hide our hysterical laughter.

After tearing my eyes away from the two peanut brains, I glanced over at Lucas. Almost forgetting he was there. Lucas looked angry, no, that'd be an understatement. He looked furious.

"Well, what are you waiting for. Bow down and beg for our forgiveness." I snickered, still in Amanda's arms as she carried me bridal style. I had absolutely no idea why we were like this. I usually gave her piggy back rides and she'd give me piggy back rides. But today was different in a sense.

Lucas looked like he was about to blow. His brow creased, fists gripped, teeth gritted together. And I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Gary, Frank. You are forgiven. Lucas," I began, Lucas glaring at me intently "YOU SHALL PERISH!"

And with that, Amanda set me down on the floor and we bolted down the hall giggling.

"Wait Roxy!" Amanda called, parking in front of a billboard.

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