(16) Roxy

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(16) Roxy

I slipped the warm, fluffed covers up to my chest as another scream rippled from my dry lips. Was it a hairy monster? A  high end robber? A drunk ol' pirate? Dirty and annoying Lucas? Oddly enough, the last was the one that scared me the most, and the thought of facing him again scared the beetle juice out of of me.  I know what you're think, beetle juice? But relax! It doesn't taste THAT bad. 

 A small chuckle escaped my lips before I remembered the shadow at the door, at first the darkness and moon light streaming in through the windows made the figure seem larger, bigger, more menacing- but as the figure approached my bedside, I realized who it really was. Another scream bubbled in my chest, I opened my mouth again, but Lucas quickly placed his hand over it. 

His once dull grey eyes looked painful and loving in the moonlight bedroom, and although I did not truly understand what he was feeling, I understood what he must of been going through. My voice hoarse, I cleared my throat, making a silent promise to Lucas not to scream anymore. He pulled his hand away slowly, stepping back a bit and I immediately missed his warmth. He had smelled of mint chocolate chip ice cream and peanuts, two very different foods that would never compliment each other in reality- but seemed to make me that much more comfortable being around him.

 Lucas opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly beat him to it, rushing out my single thought as he sat down by my feet. "Why?" I choked, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Why had he done this, attacking a small place like that, taking their well-earned money and threatening them. He could of hurt someone, he could of hurt himself. "How can you be so stupid?" I spoke again, my voice breaking, but raised at the same time. I was frustrated, how had he told me nothing?

It's not like you two are dating, a small voice in my head spoke, and I immediately shut it out. But that small voice was persistent, returning again to speak one last sentence before escaping back into my mind. But you wish you were.

 It was then did I look up at Lucas through my eyelashes, begging him to tell me the truth. Lucas looked torn, seeming to want to tell me, but at the same time not wanting to. "I can't tell you." he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes reeked of the guilt he felt and I could tell just by looking at him he truly could not tell me. 

 But being the stubborn girl I was, I pushed him. "Why not?" I barked "If you can't tell me why, then tell me who the other guy was, and I'll ask him!" My voice getting louder, Lucas looked up at me with threatening eyes, before sighing and looking back down at his lap again.

"She's not a he. It was a girl." He said nervously, running a shaky hand through his hair. "I have to go now Roxy, don't mention this ever again." 

 Although he had avoided my questions, I couldn't help but feel a pang of happiness inside of me. Roxy, he had called me Roxy. Instead of Roxanna, Lucas had finally called me by my nickname. Realising how stupid I sounded, I slumped back down into my pillow, snuggling into Amanda's warmth. Expecting Lucas to leave, I turned my body away from him, but calling me by my nickname didn't seem to be enough for him. 

 Lucas reached out a hand to me, ruffling my hair messily before erupting into laughter and running out of the room. "Lucas! UGH!" I screeched, my pale hands finding their way up to my head. I could hear his laughter from my room as he entered his own, and then his door shut and silence fell over me. 

Roxy. Everyone called me that, but why did I feel so happy when he did? 

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