(14) I Need a Hitman

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                                                                           (14) I Need a Hitman

You know in all those cliche stories, where the main protagonist blacks out at the first sight of danger and wakes up in the hospital? This isn't one of those stories.

 I woke up with a jolt, hitting my head on the table above me. I was out only for a few minutes, and the robbers were still filling their bags with money from the cash register and the backroom's safe. As soon as my head connected with the table, all their guns were pointed at me and I opened my mouth to apologize, although it would be a bit silly to apologize to a bunch of thieves.

"SHUT UP!" The first one yelled at me, turning back to the register and stuffing more cash inside. How much did the old man make?

Closing my eyes, I rubbed my head and crouched low to the ground. Amanda held a tight grasp on my sleeve, tears of fright rolling down her cheeks.

"Roxy, I'm scared." She whispered, clutching onto me like her life depended on it and in this situation, the description fit.

"Sh, it'll be alright Mandy. Just keep your head down and stay quiet." I whispered back, giving her a reassuring smile. Although I wasn't as reassuring in my own mind, seeing as I was secretly freaking out on the inside.

 Amanda gave me a disbelieving look, before flattening herself against the floor and shutting her mouth. Doing the same, I began to think of a way to expose the two robbers. They couldn't get away with their crime, and a burst of adrenaline rushed through me.

 I can do this, I chanted inwardly. "I need a hit man." I said under my breath, suddenly feeling scared and worried that one of them would hurt Amanda or I, much less shoot me in the process.

 I came up with a plan within minutes, and the two figures began to close up their bags and headed towards the door. Lips pulled into a smirk, I told myself to let it go, let go of the worries, let go of the fear. I could do this.

  It didn't take me long to find the courage, and soon enough I was running towards the second masked man as he turned his back, reaching up and wrapping my hands around the mask. Pulling it up, I fell to the ground as he tried to push me off and succeeded. But it was too late, I had already pulled off his mask.


Little Emo CheerleaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora