(6) Temper Tantrum (P1)

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                                                                 (6) Temper Tantrum (P1)

    As soon as the bedroom door shut behind me, I collapsed to the floor, biting my lip to hold back the sobs. He knew, he knew about my secret. He knew I cut! Sobs racked through me,  I couldn't cry here, Amanda will wake up and will force me to tell her what happened.

 Quietly, I stood up, moving towards the washroom. We had attached to our room, but I couldn't use that room to cut, Amanda could've woken up and noticed I was in there. But right now, all I wanted was somewhere to calm down. Wiping my swollen, teary eyes with the sleeve of my sweatshirt, I cautiously moved towards the washroom.

As soon as the door was shut, I pulled my sweatshirt over my head, then proceeding to turn the tap on to cold water and rinse my face with it. I couldn't let her know I was crying.

 After cleaning myself up, I pulled my sweatshirt back over my head and snuggled into the blankets next to Amanda. I just had to stay cool, I wouldn't let her know about this. I bit my lip, I felt guilty. I didn't like lying to her, but it was the only way to keep her happy and off my back.

Slowly, I drifted off to sleep, letting the darkness consume me.


When I woke up, the first thing I saw was two eyes. Two very bright blue eyes met mine. Shocked, I jumped back, falling off the bed in the process. Who was the owner of those eyes? Amanda didn't have those bright eyes, and at this moment I wasn't even sure what color eyes she had.

Quietly, I stood up, only to come face to face with a petite girl around 3 or 4 years old.

"Mama says breakfast is ready. I'm Serah, I was at camp for the past few days." She spoke, although it sounded more like 'Mamaw sais brakefast is rady. I'm Sewah, I was at cwamp for the past few days.' Well, she was missing a tooth or two.

It surprised me when it all clicked in, so she was Lucas' little sister. But she looked nothing like him, he had dull gray eyes, and Serah had blue eyes that twinkled with happiness. His dark hair was nothing like her golden locks. She reminded me of a smaller version of Goldilocks.

"W-why were you at camp?" I mumbled, still drowsy.

"Because I like horseys!"

Chuckling, I nodded. Still not keen on the idea of sending a child away for camp so young. But if she was okay with it, and there was turning back now, then I supposed it was for a good reason.

"Where's my friend, Amanda?"

The girl looked up at me, before wrapping her arms around my neck and hoping into my arms. Much like a mother would hold a child as they were crying. Serah buried her face in my shoulder, yawning. Wait, wasn't she excited just a moment ago.

"Downstairs." She said through my sweatshirt.

Oh boy.


I walked down the stairs slowly, careful not to jostle the petite gold haired girl.

As I entered the kitchen, I couldn't help but look over at Lucas. Would he tell my secret? Lucas glanced up at me, but just as quickly focused back on her cereal. So that was how he was going to play it.

"Ah, I see you met Seraphina." Lucas' mother spoke, clasping her hands together "But we usually call her Serah."

I nodded in response, setting the sleepy girl down in her own seat and moving towards the empty seat between Amanda and Lucas.

Guess I had to play good girl until I was certain he wouldn't tell anyone.

"So everyone, guess what I saw last night. I saw-" Lucas began, as he pushed his empty bowl of Captain Crunch away. I gulped nervously, before letting my gut take over.

I raised my hand grabbing a hand full of Amanda's soggy toast and chucking it at Lucas' face. His face represented shock, but I knew deep down he was furious. He was going to kill me and I was going to kill him. Good girl? No, I'd play this bad girl style.

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