(11) Peanut Face

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                                                                (11) Peanut Face

  I sighed, glaring at the stuffed bear sitting across from me. I wasn't sad about what Lucas had said to me really, just angry that he would think of me like that. I had heard worse from people I actually cared for, I had only cried because I was living in the moment and everything was just a bit too overwhelming. Well, that's what I thought at least.

"Roxanna!" a deep voice spoke, bursting into my room and huffing and puffing up a storm.

"What Peanut Face?" I said, snatching up Amanda's teddy and holding it in the air as I rolled onto my back. Pretending to be interested in the brown, worn out bear, I titled it side to side; inspecting it.

"You know I didn't mean what I said," he said through grit teeth. I sighed, ignoring his words as I held the bear to my chest and rolled around on the bed.

"What?" I said, playing dumb. This was silly and immature, but it was funny.

"You know what!" he hollered, before an apologetic look crossed his face "Sorry,"

"Sorry for what? Being a bipolar polar bear, or for being an asshole?"

"Well excuse me for being some weird, emo cheerleader!"

"Ugh. Why do you have to be so bi-polar?" I muttered, tossing the bear to the side as I climbed off the bed and walked over to Lucas. Without saying anything I hopped onto his back, full out grinning.

"You can make it up to me although by being my mule for the rest of the week. Giddy up." I chuckled kicking lightly at his sides. Lucas muttered something I couldn't quite catch, before adjusting me on his back. Then away we went, down the stairs and into the kitchen, through the kitchen and into the living room. All around the house and back.

"Where do you want me to drop you?" He mumbled, obviously pissed off for having to do this chore.

"My room," I shrugged, laughing as Lucas growled in frustration. As we ascended the stairs again, I couldn't help but notice the photos lined across the walls. The photos of him and his little sister growing up, his mother and father laughing and kissing. Tears pricked at my eyes, as an only child, only living with her mother, life was hard sometimes.

I mean sure, if you think about it, I had it great. A roof to sleep under, warm food three times a day, friends that loved me very much... but I didn't have a dad, or a sibling. As I was growing up I was mainly alone, except for Amanda that is. She was my sister, my best friend, the only person I could ever rely on. Other than my mother of course.

"Hey, we're her- wait! Why are you crying? What did I do this time!?" He panicked, before lightly plopping me on the bed "You better not be faking it again," he said sternly.

I chuckled through my watery tears. "It's nothing... can I just have a hug?" I mumbled the last part, unsure if I was asking too much of him. Lucas obviously thought otherwise, as he pulled me into a big bear hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sniffling. Lucas too, I had Lucas too.

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