[New Version] 1

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I slowly opened my eyes as my alarm clock kept ringing.

"Ughhh stupid alarm", I groaned as I rolled over the bed and stopped the clock from ringing.

"Come down and have your breakfast Mina, you are already late for school", Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Ughhh nagging Mom", I groaned as I slowly stood up and dragged myself to the bathroom.

"Gosh, my hair is a mess", I said as I ruffled my hair while staring at the bathroom mirror.

I brushed and took a quick shower. I went back to the room and wore my uniform. Blue skirt, long-sleeve blue top.

I applied a little makeup, wore my shiny white sneakers and hanged my backpack on my shoulder, I came back and stood in front of the mirror.

"Wow, I look so pretty", I smiled as I admired myself. Moments later, I had a knock on the door.

"Who is it?".

The door opened and a maid came in.

"Sorry ma'am but your mom wants you downstairs", She said with a shaky voice.

"I never said you could come in, now get the hell out of my room!", I yelled.

Gosh, why does this stupid maid have to ruin my mood this morning.

I walked out of my room, went down the stairs and straight to the dinning. Mom and Dad were already seated and a maid was serving them their breakfast.

"What took you so long Mina, do you have any idea what the time is?", Mom yelled.

Geez, does she really have to yell.

"Come on honey, she was just getting ready perhaps she isn't that late", Dad said defending me and I smiled.

"I love you Dad", I said and gave him a peck.

"I love you too Mina", He smiled.

"So because I scolded you, no kiss for me?", Mom asked.

"Yes, no kiss for you Mom", I said sticking out my tongue and Mom rolled her eyes.

"Just finish your breakfast quickly and go to school", She said and I just smiled.

I finished my breakfast and went out to meet my driver waiting for me in the car.

"Good morning Miss Mina", He greeted but I just stood outside the car staring at him with my hands folded together.

"Aren't you coming in?", He asked.

"Aren't you going to open the door for me", I retorted.

"Oh sorry ma'am, it slipped my mind", He quickly came down from the car and opened the door for me.

"Stupid", I said as I entered the car. He went back to the driver's seat and drove off.




I heard my name and slowly opened my eyes, it was ryujin, my sister and it seems she was already dressed for school.

"Stand up Chaeyoung, you don't want to be late the first day in your new school", She said.

I stood up from the bed.

"Thanks Ryujin", I smiled.

"Dad asked me to give you this", She stretched out her hand holding a neatly packed school uniform.

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