[New Version] 18

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I stepped down from the car and walked into the school.

Since my friends has been suspended, there's nobody to wait for me at the gate anymore.

Why did I even do that, I let Bambam get expelled, Jihyo and Momo get suspended all because of Chaeyoung.

I don't even know what's happening to me, that day that I hugged Chaeyoung at his house, I felt something, I don't know what but I felt something and I've been really feeling uncomfortable with Chaeyoung lately.

I need some distance from Chaeyoung and the tutoring lessons aren't helping, that's why I need to win the challenges no matter what.

I dropped my backpack in my locker and took my gym clothes, I don't plan on attending classes today.

I went to the gym and began practicing for the race, If I don't win this then I'll have no chance of winning again.



"Let's go to the gym after school", Tzuyu said and I nodded.

We went to the cafeteria, had our lunch and went back to class.

I wonder why Mina isn't in school today, this is the first time she's missing school, I hope there's nothing wrong.

The bell ranged for end of the school day.

Tzuyu and walked to the gym, went into the gym locker room and changed into our gym clothes.

We came out to the gym and we saw Mina leaving the gym with her backpack.

Was she in the gym all day, does she want to win so much?.

"You see Chaeyoung, Mina has been practicing, you've got to practice too", He said.

"She's gonna win Tzuyu", I said.

"Nope, don't give up", He said and I nodded.

I began training and I ran round the gym a few times.

"You are running like a snail Chaeyoung!", Tzuyu yelled and I scoffed.

"As if you could do better", I said.

I ran some more and I got tired.

"That's it Tzuyu, I don't care what you say, I'm going home", I said and took my backpack.

"Since you wanna lose, no problem, let's go home", He said and I scoffed.

We walked to the bus station and entered the bus and Tzuyu kept blabbering about how I must win the race tomorrow.

"Why are you so interested in this?", I asked.

"Isn't obvious, it's fun and I like anything fun", He said with a smile.



I woke up, showered and dressed up for school.

I walked to the dinning room and had my breakfast.

"You know today's the race right?", Mom asked.

"Yes Mom", I said.

I finished eating and left for school. I went to my locker and took my books and went straight to class.

I miss my friends, now I have no one to talk to but strangely, I don't regret reporting them.

Chaeyoung was already in class and I went to my seat quietly, why do I feel so uncomfortable around this boy recently.

I'll definitely have to win the challenges cause I'll be more uncomfortable if Chaeyoung continues being my tutor.

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