Chapter 1

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"Shit" Y/N mumbled to herself. She was looking at her map, but she couldn't figure out where exactly she was. She's been lost over about an hour and a half now, while trying to get to her old friend. She walked around, and eventually saw a big wall and decided to try and climb over the wall. With hurting knees and elbows, Y/N eventually landed at the other side of the wall. "Where the fuck" "WHO ARE YOU?!" She saw a blonde guy walking towards her. He seemed pretty young. "I- I- am Y/N. I'm lost trying to find a friend, and climbed over the wall, hoping he would be here" The blonde boy nodded, and another stranger came up to them. "Hello there! What may your name be?" He asked politely. "Hi! I am Y/N. And who may you be?" "I am Wilbur, and this is Tommy! Do you need a place to stay for the night? The sun is setting, and I don't want to send a stranger in the woods while its dark?" He sounded very nice, but Y/N wasn't too sure.. "Uhm, I think I'm fine. My friend should be close here. I got a map!" Y/N smiled. "Can I see it?" Wilbur asked. Y/N showed him the map and Wilbur nodded. "That's actually still a few kilometers away. You are still welcome to sleep here, but feel free to leave. If you leave, his house should be north from here." Y/N thought for a bit, and decided to stay the night. Being in the woods at night could be very dangerous, especially if you're not familiar with the place. "Great! I'll get you some comfortable clothes, and show you the spare tent we have!" Y/N nodded. The young blonde boy, who apparently was called Tommy, still stood there, a bit confused, but walked away. Y/N sighed. And now? She was staying the night at the place from a few boys she met not even a few minutes ago while trying to find her friend? Great! Couldn't be better! "Hi!" She snapped out of her zone. Another young brunette was standing next to her. "Oh! Hello there" She smiled. He seemed pretty nice. "I am Tubbo! I can lead you around if you want?" The boy asked. "Oh, yeah, that'd be great! I am Y/N by the way!" Tubbo led her around and told her everything what she had to know. "Well, you're standing in L'manburg. Right now we are trying to get independence from the Dream SMP, who are really big. They have like netherite and stuff, even though the Nether is pretty scary. They are really strong, but we are not going to give this up. This country is what we live for. In the Dream SMP we were locked. But, when we told Dream, the leader of the Dream SMP, that we wanted freedom, he rejected us. And we decided to make our own country! But Dream said that it was still a part of his country, and right now, we are fighting for our independence." Y/N was silent for a while. These young boys, 17 at most, were fighting for their lives? And full grown ass men were trying to take their childhood away? Y/N didn't had the greatest childhood. She grown up with only a drunk dad, because her mother walked away. She left her with him, while she was only 2. The only thing Y/N remembers from her mom, is the hugs she gave. If she fell, her mom would give her a hug, and she was okay. "You okay, Y/N?" Tubbo asked. And once again, she snapped out of her zone. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking." "Your tent is sleep ready! See you tomorrow at breakfast?" Y/N smiled at the sweet boy. "Yeah, see you tomorrow!" She had no idea how she would get to her friend, but she would see about that..


I promise, it gets better, LOLL

Wordcount: 673

Please? I miss you.. / A Minecraft AU / Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now