Chapter 10

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Y/n fixed her hair a bit, to make herself look more presentable. She ate the apple, but not completely, because she didn't even had that much hunger. She slowly walked down the stairs, and there were George and Sapnap. "Y/N!" They greeted her. She nodded back. "Dreams' at the entrance by the way." She nodded once again, and they smiled. She walked towards the hallway, and saw Dream there. "Hey Y/N! Did you eat?" He asked. "Yes, I did." He smiled and opened the door. "Let's get this show on the road!"

They walked, and Dream explained the choice from L'Manburg, well, what their options were. The had to choose between getting Tubbo back, and they got the discs, or Y/N back, and they got the discs, or Tubbo and Y/N back, and Dream had the discs. So that would mean, they had to choose between an item, or Y/N, or Tubbo. Three things they loved dearly. But the worst thing was, they'd let Tommy choose. Y/N nodded. She already knows that they were gonna have a hard time.. She knows that she definitely wants Tubbo to be free, so that would be the discs, or her. It would be a choice between her and the discs. Shit. "Y/N!!" She snapped back into reality, after zoning out. "Jeez, you scared me. What I wanted to say was that this is obviously very hard, for you, but also for the L'Manburgians. But, you can talk to me, and George and Sapnap of course. They might choose an item over you." She nodded with tears in her eyes. Her friends could leave her, or at least betray her. Is she that important? And then she felt a warm feeling. Arms around her. It was Dream. He was hugging her? She put his arms around his torso and they stood for a while.

Tommy's POV

I was walking around outside the walls of L'Manberg, when I heard some sounds. It sounded like Dream, so I quickly hid in an bush, to make sure he didn't see me. I'm not allowed to be in the Dream SMP, but I just wanted to go back to my old home, just making sure everything was alright. I sneaked around in the bushed next to the path, and got closer to the sounds. I crawled, and eventually I could see Dream, but Y/N was next to him! She was crying, and I had no idea why. Was Tubbo there as well, did he sneak away? But then Dream hugged her, and she hugged back? What? Is she a traitor, like Eret? That bitch! I slowly started to back out, not focusing on what they said, before the hug. The only thing that could cross my mind was the fact that she was hugging with our enemy. It was Dream! The one that brought us in life danger! Luckily he left us alone for a while, but he wanted to meet this evening. Maybe to declare war? Well, no matter what, if Y/N joined the Dream SMP side, he was happy enough to slaughter her, because she had no idea what they had been through..

Third Perspective

Y/N hugged Dream for while, until she realized she'd been hugging her enemy, so she pushed away. "Let's go back, alright?" And she nodded, feeling embarrassed about that hugging thing. They walked away, in silence. When they arrived, Dream told her to get ready, because it was apparently already noon. They were going to eat, and then head to the path, where they had to make THE choice. She ran up the stairs, and quickly fixed her hair, once again, before falling down on her bed. She loved Tommy dearly, and Wilbur quickly became some kind of brother for her. This would've never happened if she just went to Techno.. Did she make the wrong decision? Or was this something that would've happened, no matter what? Techno knew those guys, since when? And when was she seeing Techno again? Dream called her name, and she slowly got up. "Y/N! Come downstairs, it's time to eat!" She sighed, not wanting to, but she knew that Dream would come up to her room, and personally feed her. Why did they care so much about her? She is literally a prisoner! She literally is part of L'Manberg! Then someone knocked on the door. "Y/N? You're alright?" It was her favourite nineteen year old, Sap. "Yeah, I'm okay, just thinking." She got up, walked downstairs, and saw George, and Tubbo. Tubbo and her weren't supposed to see each other, but now, the choice was basically between them. When she got downstairs, she hugged him quickly and sat down, next to Sap and Tubs. Dream got her some food on her plate, luckily not that much and she looked at him gratefully. The whole table was silent, knowing what was gonna happen. No matter what, they would've had something. And if Dream was going to be honest, he would love to have Y/N on his side for a bit longer.

Wordcount: 858

Dreams' catching feelings, RIP that ayyyee!

We got to Chapter 10! Somehow!

If you have any tips to improve my writing, please lmk, so I can actually learn things!

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