Chapter 6

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Trigger warning: Swearing (Just one word, but I thought I'd tell you :D)


From now on, I'll make my own storyline. I'm not gonna watch every vod, if I can make something as well.

No one's POV

Y/N woke up from a decent sleep. She walked over to the van, and saw Fundy already busy with the boys. Tommy was sitting on the kitchen counter (no, nothing weird) and Wilbur was getting some food ready, while Tubbo was still sleeping. "Hey boys!" Y/N greeted them. "Hi!" "Hey" She got a few different types of hello, and sat down next to Tommy. "How are you feeling?" She asked him. "Well, I'm still a bit tired, but I'm okay." He smiled. Y/N smiled back and walked over to Wilbur. "Hey Pres, how are you feeling on this beautiful day?" He chuckled to the very formal girl and answered: "Well, miss, I'm feeling pretty excellent!" She smiled, and walked over to Fundy, but before she could ask him something, he asked: "Did you patch up our wounds?" She nodded before saying: "Yes, I did. And before you're asking where I learned to do meds, I learned it from Techno." Fundy looked at her, impressed. "That's neat, wow." Wilbur yelled that the food was ready, and they ate together.



It got noon and I got bored, so I decided to go for a walk! I walked through the gate, and saw Fundy, so I decided to say hello. "Hey Fundy!" I greeted. "Hey! What are you doing?" He asked, and I answered: "Just going for a walk, I just realised that I don't even know where I actually am." He wished me good luck and I walked towards the deck. I sat down for a minute, staring over the water, until I realised someone sat next to me. I recognized him as the boy with the bandana, and I greeted him. "Hi. Who are you?" He answered with a short answer: "Sapnap" I nodded, and we sat in a silence, which wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but I thought it was definitely awkward, so I tried to start a conversation: "Well, how are you holding up?" He stayed silent, so I shutted my month, until he let out a big sigh: "You know? I was one of Dreams' best friends, until he started to go and hang out with George a lot. We used to hang out here, but now that he's always with George, I just don't know what to do anymore-" I let him ramble, trying to pay attention. "It's just, I mean.. I have friends, don't get me wrong, but something was different with Dream. We understood each other, even if we just looked at something, and we never fought, but if we did, we'd always apologize. It was like living in paradise, but George ruined it." Y/N stayed silent, impressed by his story. Sapnap stood up and walked away, leaving Y/N in silence behind. She was speechless, she thought that The Dream Team was living the dream (lol), but apparently there was trouble in paradise. She stood up and walked back, still thinking about Sapnap's words. "Hey Y/N!" Tubbo greeted her, and she snapped out of her zone. "I got send by Wilbur, he wanted to ask if you officially wanted to join L'Manburg? We understand if you want to leave to Techno, but we are very happy that you wanted to help us!" Y/N sighed. She really had no idea what she wanted. She appreciated the thought. "Tubbo?" She asked. "Yes?" "Am I allowed to visit Techno, whenever I want?" He thought for a moment. "I mean, I don't see why not, but you should ask Wilbur about that one." She smiled. "Y'know what? Fuck it! I'll join!"

Wordcount: 601



She joined L'Manburg :DD

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