Chapter 3

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Y/N woke up from Tubbo's voice: "Y/N! Wake up! Its the day! The day of the fight!" Y/N smiled. These boys had no idea what was about to happen. Y/N was really good in PVP. She trained with Technoblade and was around his skill. She'd beaten him a few times, but it was always really close. She walked towards the campfire where they'd eaten before, and met up with Wilbur and Tommy. "Hey boys! Ready for today?" Y/N was energized, she was excited to be slaughtered, or to beat the guys who thought they were able to ruin those children's lives. If they wanted to kill them, they had to get through her first. She wasn't going down without a fight. "Hell yeahh we're readyyy!!" This blonde boy had even more energy then her. How? "Yes! Y/N, can you please get Tubbo, Fundy and Eret? You haven't met Eret and Fundy just yet, but you'll know who it is when you see him." She agreed and first got Tubbo, who helped her with finding Eret. Eventually they all regrouped in the Camarvan and Wilbur read the Declaration Of Independance. ".. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of freedom." They clapped and Y/N looked outside. "Ehrm guys, don't want to interrupt this moment, but were surrounded." They quickly looked outside, and all their faces wen from confidence to confused. "Okay guys, let me compromise." Wilbur stepped outside. "Gentlemen! How are you?" Y/N snickered. How can that guy be so incredible casual about this? It's a motherfreaking war! "Good!" Dream answered. "Do you like the view of our nation?" Wilbur asked again. "I thought this was a trailer park." Dream says. Y/N laughed a bit, but then reminded herself that they were at war. "Very funny, listen. It seems you've gained an upper hand an upper hand in people. We will meet you in the field, but on our own terms." Y/N smiled at his word choice. "YEAHHH" Tommy screamed. They laughed, that child can never be serious. Even Y/N let out a laugh. "Y/N, did you just laughed? Like, laughed, laughed?" Tubbo asked. "Uhm, yeah, I don't do it often though, so don't get used to it." Luckily she could play it off as a joke, but she really hated her laugh. It was a normal laugh, but she thought it just didn't fit her. "Well okay, let's get to battles!" Tommy said. "Guys, why aren't we wearing armor? Like, we are so unsafe right now." Y/n aked. They quickly explained that it was against the rules they made as a country, because words over weapons. She understanded, but she did stand by the fact that they should wear armor in battle. "Yeah, but we wanna try to talk it out first." Fundy explained. Y/N already loved the fox boy. Slowly they got out of the Camarvan, but they quickly retreated when the enemy kept firing arrows. "Okay, armor up now gents." *cough* "And woman." They laughed, but then Wilbur said: "Guys, listen. I'm frail, I'm old, I'm 23 years old and I am too old to be doing this fighting. Tommy, I am putting you in charge of this army." Everyone was silent for a minute, because the one who was the biggest child, could he stay mature in battle? It was life or death! Why did Wil chose to get him in charge? Tommy could probably see the worry on their faces, so he said: "Tommy is known as the commander of men! Hey Tubbo, jump!" Tubbo jumped, and Tommy was very proud of himself: "See! Look at me go!" Y/N smiled at the boys, but did wanted to ask Wil something. "Wil? If I think that were not making good choices, can I choose for myself?" Wil answered with some very wise words. "Well, you see Y/N, I don't even know why we trusted you this early. You could be a spy, from, I don't know, the Dream Team, Technoblade, from literally anyone! So I think that you could do anything you want, because you're not officially part of L'manburg yet. You don't even know what you want to do after the war, right?" She shook her head. "See! I mean, if you help us win the battle, you can stay after the war, become a citizen, a part of our nation, but at this point our future gets decided by this battle, alright? So do what you think is best for you, but also for our nation." She nodded her head. "Thanks Wil, that was actually very inspirational! She liked these guys, but was also very worried about this whole thing.. What will happen during and after the war?


A bit longer chapter, for you!!

Have you eaten and got some water today?
If not, go get some! <3

Wordcount: 796

Please? I miss you.. / A Minecraft AU / Dream SMPOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz