Chapter 11

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It was time. Time for L'Manberg to make their choice. Time for L'Manberg to break hearts. Or maybe not. We don't know yet. Y/N, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap, George and BadBoyHalo, someone Y/N has never meet before, walked down the Prime Path. Their boots were ticking on the wood, and it was quite windy. Dream got an Enderchest with him, and ofcourse Y/N and Tubbo were walking with him. Tommy slowly got in view, but he looked like he cried. Y/N had never seen him cry, he always acted like a big cool man. He looked down when he saw Y/N, something she found very strange. "Wilbur, Tommy. It's time." Dream sounded scarier then normally. Wilbur nodded. "Yes. We've thought about this, but something happened this morning, which made us change our mind." Tommy looked down again. Y/N was shocked. What were they planning? What are they choosing? "Well, make you're choice." Dream said. "We've decided. We're choosing:"


What. The. Fuck. I walked back, to the thing I'm supposed to call home now. Well, I guess it's better now. I'd rather have friends who (apparently) care about me. I walked home, this time, without Tubbo. And without the disks. They chose the fucking discs over me. Why? I thought they cared about me. What the hell? I helped them when they almost fucking died! Small sobs escaped my mouth. "You alright?" Sapnap asked. Dream was with Tommy and Wilbur, to make some agreements. George gave me a small smile, and Sapnap side hugged me. I could feel Fundy's eyes in my back. There was a new girl called Niki, she seemed lovely, but she probably hated me now. They opened the door for me and I quickly walked through the door, up the stairs and to my room. I fell onto my bed, and cried. Well not really loud, making sure that Sapnap and George couldn't hear me. After 15 minutes, I heard the door open again, that was probably Dream coming home. Hoping he wouldn't check up on me, I got under the covers and fell asleep in a deep sleep.

Dream POV

After I talked for a bit with Tommy and Wilbur, I bid my goodbyes. I sat down under the tree next to our base, just outside Y/N window. It was closed, but I could still hear the small sobs. I sat for like 5 minutes, and then got up and walked towards the door. I decided to check up on her after I got some food and opened the door. I walked to the kitchen, where George and Sapnap were making food. "Dream! Did you hear Y/N as well?" I nodded, grabbing a plate and filled it up. I quickly ate some food, while Sap and George were talking about random things. I stood up, accidentally dropping my plate. "Fuck" I mumbled. Sapnap tried his best to stifle a laugh, but he failed. "I'll clean it up for you." George told me. I grabbed an apple, and walked upstairs, only to open her door and see a sleeping girl, with tears in her eyes. She tried to hide her face before sleeping, because her face was hidden in the pillow. I sighed, and got a piece of paper out of my pockets, and a pen, and I quickly write a small note:


I got this apple for you, can you please eat it when you wake up?

Dream :)

I folded the note, and walked to her nightstand. I placed the apple and the note, just so she can see it when she wakes up. I looked over at her, seeing her breathe. I smiled, walked out of the room, and closed the door very softly.


I woke up with stained cheeks, and turned around. Not wanting to get out of bed, I shuffled around for a bit, before seeing a apple and a note on the table next to my bed. I read the note, thanked Dream in my head for thinking about me, and sat up. I grabbed the apple, and started eating. Looking out of the window, I concluded that it was almost noon, so I pushed myself to get out of bed. I've been living here almost three weeks, and I haven't got any new clothes. I reused them, and sometimes I clean them with some water. Reminding myself that I needed to ask Dream about that, I walked down the stairs. Cursing myself for not 'comb' my hair with my fingers, I turned around, but then I heard a voice: "You won't regret this, Dream! Give her to me, and everything will be okay!" I quickly ran up the stairs, almost tripping, and got back in my room. Were they talking about me? I mean, they gotta be! Right? I heard someone getting up the stairs, and I quickly wiped my eyes, not noticing the tears on my cheeks. The doorknob turned, and I saw Dream in the door opening. "Hey! You're up!" He must've noticed my tears, because he sat down next to me. "Y'know, you can talk to me, right?" Almost screaming at him for holding something back from me, I nodded. "By the way, Schlatt was here." Looking up at him confused, he chuckled. "I forgot you're new here, sorry. Schlatt is, well, my friend? He helped me at beating L'Manberg!" I nodded, still sad at the memories. "Y/N?" I heard him going soft. "Don't think about them. They chose an item over you! They're not worth it." I nodded, knowing he was right. "You ate the apple I see!" He quickly changed the subject. "Come on now, don't be sad!" He gave me a side hug, and got up. "Come down when you feel like it. It's like 4 PM right now. Schlatt should be leaving any minute, he just wanted to talk to Sap and George." I nodded again, and he left my room. Peace. But for how long?

Wordcount: 1006

Long chapter! For once I guess, lmao

Okay, but a lot happened. I hope you could keep track :)

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