Chapter 18

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I was alone in my room. Tommy left a while ago, and Techno was upstairs, doing whatever. After I finally admitted my crush on Dream, Tommy got upset with me. I don't know if he's playing around, but all I know is that I definitely don't like it. I wanna hang out with him again.

Techno hasn't really been avoiding me, luckily. I don't think Tommy told him. Yet.

And I've been considering talking to Dream. I know he's probably angry with me for escaping, but I want us to be okay again. Honestly? I'm not starting to think I have a crush, I am pretty sure now. I kinda miss him.
I grabbed my coat, and decided to go out for a walk. "Techno, I am going to stroll around for a bit, see you later!" I heard a muffled bye, and opened the door. I felt the fresh air blow against my face and wondered why I didn't do this more often. I walked into the forest, and I was just chilling around for a bit. Eventually I got around a big tree, and saw Sapnap standing there. Luckily with his back towards me. I ducked behind the tree, but he probably heard something, so he turned around. "Who's there?" I stayed silent, obviously. "Hell, Sap, we got to get going!" George? British boy! I smiled. They walked away, and I was considering my options.

I could follow them, and not get caught.

I could follow them, and get caught.

I could go home.

I decided on one of the first two and got up. Looking past the tree, I saw that they were on their way to Dream SMP. I followed, until they both started whispering. Red flags. I quickly hid behind a tree. Turns out, I was too much on edge. They continued walking like nothing happened. Okay? Still a bit jumpy about the situation, I walked behind them again. Until the wind turned and I heard them talking. "Y/N, we know you're there." Fuck. I groaned. Sapnap laughed at my stupid actions. "You know that you're an idiot right?" I just looked at them, giving them a bland face. "Come on Y/N." George said. "It's time to go home."

Okay, for the next scéne you're probably gonna need some background information, so here we go.

So, apparently Techno heard about George, Sapnap and BadBoyHalo being close here, and followed me on my little walk, to make sure I was safe. Tommy got taken away out of rage, and BadBoyHalo took him with him. So Bad and Tommy were on their way to Dream. Sapnap and George were still searching for me. So let's continue!

Techno jumped in front of me, facing George and Sapnap. "Well, that's gonna be a bit of a problem guys.." I looked at my friend. "Because this girl is with me." And Techno started fighting them. "Y/N, run! Don't get caught!" I hesitated for a moment, until I threw myself into the fight. "Wha- Y/N!" Techno yelled at me. Sapnap used my distraction as a moment to attack. He swung his sword under my feet, but I quickly dodged. I quickly thanked Dream for training me and I slashed my sword against Sapnaps'. We fought for a good 5 minutes until Techno got George knocked out and started helping me. We absolutely destroyed Sapnap and Techno dragged me by my arm, back home. "What the hell were you doing?" He said, in a monotone voice. "I don't know! I wanted to walk around for a bit, it's not completely my fault!" I told him. I heard him sigh, and we were home already. Before I could get inside, Techno grabbed my wrist again and told me, in a stern voice: "You're an idiot. You fall for our enemy, and get involved in a fight you obviously can't win. Learn your place, and you can stay here. Or you could live with your loverboy, I don't mind either way." He turned around and walked back into the house. Dumbfounded, I stood outside. So he did know about my crush...

Wordcount: 678

Idk why this chapter took so long for me write!

School sucks, and that's final.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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