Chapter 17

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"But we can arrange something..

"Wait, what?"

It's been a few days since Techno and I talked about the whole peace situation. I wanted to make sure that Tommy was able to go to his friends without getting the risk to be killed by the Dream Team.

"Y'know, Y/N.." Tommy was with me in the basement, which we made our shared room.

"It's been all fun to live with you and Techno, but I kinda wanna go back to L'manberg. My friends."
I nodded. I completely understood him. When, at the beginning of this whole adventure, I was searching for Technoblade, I also felt lonely. Luckily, I quickly got accepted into L'manberg. My dad has been drunk since my mother passed away. I felt lonely since I was two years old. The moment that Tubbo sat with me on the wall, I felt not completely lonely anymore. A weird bubbly feeling came inside me. But, when I was with Dream, I felt different. I had not this bubbly feeling, but I also didn't feel alone. What was it?

"Tommy? You're good with woman right?"
He nodded, obviously.

"How does one feel when you have a crush?"
Tommy gasped. "Y/N! Do you by any chance meant to tell me something?"
I chuckled, but shook my head. "No, just curious."

He nodded. "Oh, yeah, most definitely! You don't have a crush! That'd be stupid!"

I blushed, and looked down. "Well, I'm just not sure."
"Who is it?! Oh my god, is it Wilbur? Or Technoblade!" I shook my head. "Just tell me how you feel."
"Okay, okay. So, basically, you wanna be around them, and you feel happy around them. You have little butterflies in your stomach. But tell me who it is please!"
I nodded. "Tommy, I think I might have a crush.."
He squealed excitedly. "WHO IS IT THEN!" He kept pushing, and eventually I gave in.

"Tommy, you might not like it, but it's someone you hate.."
"Please don't tell me you have a crush on a green teletubby.."
I laughed. "I think I have a crush on a green teletubby.."

Wordcount: 354

Okay, I know I have very small chapters, but I like to write them like that :/

I'll try to get a longer chapter in!

At least we got to know her feelings!

Please? I miss you.. / A Minecraft AU / Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now