Chapter 8

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Y/N was living in the castle for a whole week, but she still hadn't talked. She did saw Tommy and Wilbur outside her window a few times, but she told them to stay away, not wanting to hurt her newfound friends. She met up with Tubbo a few times, mostly at breakfast, because she was in her room, basically 24/7. Sometimes, Dream got her out of the room, and he demanded her to walk around in the gigantic garden they had, but she'd wave him off and he quickly gave up. Today, she was sitting on her table in front of the window again, a spot that she was found in, most of the time. She saw something pink, but couldn't quite know what it was. "Y/N?" She heard from behind. It was probably George, who brought her lunch, so she didn't turn around. "Y/N?" She heard again, but this time it was more strict. Dream. Again. "Do you know someone called Technoblade?" He asked. Slowly she nodded. "Want to explain why he's here?" She shook her head. She heard him sigh. "Come on, let's get you to talk to him, maybe you can open up a bit." He took her with him, still helping her stand up, because of the wound, which was patched up a bit. They walked down the stairs, and she saw her friend. Finally. But, only thing, he got rope around his hands, to make sure he couldn't do anything. Dream let her sit on a couch, and Sapnap, the one who got Techno put him down next to her. "Well, you guys talk, we'll leave and get back in like, 10 minutes. Have fun!" Dream told them. "Not to much fun though." Sapnap winked. Techno rolled his eyes and Dream and Sapnap walked away, while laughing. "What happened?" Techno asked. She sighed, and told him about everything. About how she found L'Manburg, how she fought in the war, how she shot George, how they got betrayed, and obviously about how she got caught. Luckily Y/N wasn't tied up, so she gave him a hug. "I wish I could hug you back, but I can't." She nodded, and Dream came back, and she got back in her silent mood. "Techno, time to leave." Dream told him. Y/N gave him a last hug, and Techno got pushed out. She waved, and Dream got her up from the couch. "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded her head. "If you want to talk, I'm here, alright?" Y/N nodded again. "Can you be anymore silent.." He said, making sure she couldn't hear him, but, she could hear him, because he was too loud, so she broke down. "YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU KIDNAPPED ONE OF MY ONLY FRIENDS, AFTER THAT YOU TIE UP MY BEST FRIEND, THEN YOU TAKE HIM AWAY AFTER ONLY 10 FUCKING MINUTES! WANNA KNOW MORE REASONS WHY I'M MAD? SURE!" "Y- Y/N, relax!" Dream said, but she continued. "YOU RUIN THOSE CHILDREN THEIR LIVES, YOU KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE, YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! LET. US. BE!" Dream softly got her up the stairs, and got her into her room, before getting too much attention. "Y/N, you have to understand this, alright? Have you ever looked towards the situation in our perspective? YOU-" He pointed towards her. "DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. YOU JUST CHOSE A SIDE. THAT'S SO FUCKING- ARGH!" Dream got fuming. Y/N quickly ducked away, and he saw what he did. "Don't think about it." He turned around, walked out of the room, and for the first time, he locked her door.

Wordcount: 607

Dream got anger issues, ayyy

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