Chapter 12

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After chilling in her room for about 15 minutes, Y/N decided it would be a good idea to go downstairs. She quickly changed up her hair, changing it into a braid. She walked up to the stairs, and looking down, she saw Sapnap walking out of the door. She heard Schlatts voice outside. Ignoring that, she walked into the kitchen, but nobody was there. Being a bit confused by this, she sat down at the table. Not grabbing anything to eat, she just stared at the wall. Not noticing a brunette, who looked very happy that he finally saw the girl downstairs again. "Hi!" George greeted her. Y/N nodded back. Seeing she's not in the best mental state, he left her staring towards the, apparently very interesting, kitchen tiles. George grabbed an apple, and told her that if she wanted to know what was going on outside, she had to talk to Dream, because he had no idea either. She just simply nodded, and George left the room. She sighed, and let her head fall on the table. And, ofcourse, at that moment Dream came in. Being a bit surprised by the fact that she was downstairs, he asked: "What the hell are you doing?" She screamed into the table. Dream chuckled, and walked towards her. "No, but for real, what's up?" She stayed silent. George came in again, with Sapnap following. "She wouldn't budge when I asked, Dream. Don't sweat it!" George told him. Sapnap sat down next to her, and George as well. Dream sat down next to Sapnap, and they just stared at each other. "Y/N, we know something is up, tell us." Sapnap demanded after a few minutes of pure silence. She just stayed silent, and George stood up and rubbed her back. "Even though we pretty much hold you hostage, we care about you okay?" He told her, and Dream chuckled. "That did sound pretty stupid. You know, we can make some rules?" Sapnap nodded. "Like maybe, uhm, only outside 'till 9 PM? And then inside?" George nodded enthusiastically, hoping his new friend would cheer up a bit. "Yeah! Can you eat with us every evening as well?" Dream nodded. "One important thing though, IF you go back to L'Manberg, what should we do?" Y/N looked scared, so Dream cleared it up a bit. "I know you probably don't want to go back, but what happens if you do?" Y/N looked down, and Sapnap gave a suggestion. "Maybe you aren't allowed to go outside anymore?" Dream nodded. "And, Tubbo and Tommy will get taken as well. You're not allowed to see them anymore inside the base, so they will suffer as well!" Sapnap agreed to the terms, and George sighed, but gave in. Y/N looked up with tears in her eyes and nodded, not wanting to get reminded of all the events that had played over and over in her head, the past 2/3 days.

Dream POV

My heart broke. Shit. I can't fall for my enemy! She is supposed to be the person I hate the most. But knowing that she's feeling down, made my heart ache. She's just innocent, a girl who got a bit much into a fight, that wasn't even about her. She just tried to save the lives of us, and the people from L'Manberg. She just wanted to visit Techno. "Y/N?" I softly said. She didn't look up, but Sapnap and George did. "You know, if you want, because you are basically a part of us-" I couldn't get out of my mouth. I was stuttering. Reforming the sentences in my head, I started again: "We can invite Techno if you want?" Her head shot up, with a questioning look on her face. I got a dry throat, because Techno and I aren't friends. "He can stay here for how long he wants!" My heart spoke before my mind did. Shit. I can't just say that he can't now, right? "Dream?" Sapnap asked. "How do you want to that? Where's he gonna sleep?" I frowned, thinking about possible solutions. "Well, uhm, we could go out for today, shearing sheeps, and maybe make a bed?" She smiled, and he smiled back. "Get ready, and be at the front door in 10." And she quickly stood up, and got up the stairs.

3rd perspective

"Nice move, simp." Sapnap told him, teasingly. Jokingly, George punched him in the arm. "He didn't even figure it out himself. I thought life was rough for me, but this men is COMPLETELY blind!" Sapnap chuckled, after looking over to Dream, who was completely in another world. Sapnap snapped (loll, snapnap) his fingers in front of his face, which made him jump. "YOU- arghhh." George bursted out laughing, even though it was completely not funny. After a few minutes George and Sap tried to have a real conversation with Dream, but they eventually gave up, because they kept laughing at their friend, obviously in love with the enemy. It kept getting worse, but then Sapnap told them that this sounded like a cliche Wattpad story, and this time George rolled over the ground from laughter. They heard some creaks coming from the stairs, and they tried to tidy themselves up. Y/N came into the room, and the first thing she saw was George, lying on the ground with tears in his eyes. "What on earth happened here?" She asked, and that was the sign for Sapnap to start cry laughing. He let himself fall to the ground, and Y/N chuckled. Shit. She wasn't supposed to like it here. Dream looked at her, knowing that it was her who let out that chuckle. He gave her a reassuring smile, and she nodded. "Y- Y/N! Why did you came in at THAT specific moment?!" George half-screamed. "I don't fucking know!" Y/N answered, and Dream started wheezing. "Noted. Bad jokes will work in fights." She tried making herself sound serious, which was another thing to set off laughs. Y/N shook her head and walked back to her room. When she arrived, she heard Dream yelling her name. "YEAH?!" She screamed back. "Come down! We're going out!" She heard Sapnap wheezing again. "NO, NO, NO, NOT ON A DATE!" Dream cries.

Wordcount: 1040!

I added a small part, just so I can have 1000+ words :)

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