Chapter 4

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 "Yes! The fifth Battalion!" Tommy yelled. Y/N flinched. Why did that boy have some much energy? He kept yelling! Save your energy man. They walked up the walls. "Does anyone have a bow?" Tubbo asked. Y/N nodded and gave him her spare bow. He thanked her gratefully and Y/N shot some arrows. "Nice shot Y/N!" Apparently she hit George in his foot. She knew that he wasn't going to die from a arrow in his foot, so she kept running over the walls. "To Ponks' tower!" Tommy kept yelling orders, and Y/N runned towards the tower and started to climb up. "I'll act as a distraction!" "GUYS IT'S WORKING!" "They can't hit us! We're to high!" Y/N saw Dream and grabbed an arrow. She put it in her bow, pulled back and.. "YES Y/N!" She hitted him. Again, in his foot. They kept fighting, and eventually the wounded Dream yelled: "Retreat!" His soldiers looked at him confused. "Retreat guys! They're too strong!" But after that, the only thing you could hear, was L'manbergs yells. "WE DID IT" "WE HAVE BEATEN THE DREAM TEAM" "YES!" Y/N smiled. These boys were so freaking lucky. She had hitten Dream through his armor, and he got hurt. His team retreated and the L'manburgians were free. Right? They slowly walked back to their, now free L'manburg. "Gentlemen, In L'manburg, I have, uh, grinded for a secret weapon." A lot of happy sounds were heard. "And this is the moment that Eret is gonna put out a giant missile." Fundy said. The group started laughing. "No but, this way. This way gentlemen!" Y/N already thought this guy was a bit weird, but the fact that he got armor and revealed it after the war.. That's just weird, right? "This is the room, the final control room. "There's nothing in the chest.." Wilbur said. Y/N looked up confused. "What does this button do?" And without thinking, Tommy pressed the oak wood button. "WHAT?! NO!" "WHAT!" "A TRAITOR!" "GET OUT GET OUT!" Y/N runned, and because she wasn't here for a long time, nobody knew that she was gone, until Dream said: "Where's that new girl?" She was running, until she passed the walls. She heard Netherite footsteps, and quickly hid in the bushes. "Where's that girl?" A boy with a bandana talked to himself, Sapnap, Y/N thought Tubbo said. He was standing right in front of the bush she hid in "Can't find her, Dream." Apparently Dream arrived here as well. "Fuck. Well, we didn't killed them. We only hurt them very badly. The don't have any armor or weapons anymore." Fuck. This was bad. He hurt her newfound friends, took their armor... ERET! He- that- betrayer! He betrayed them! When she heard them walk away, she quickly got out of the bush, and ran towards the nation. It was completely silent, something she hasn't heard before. She heard some sounds, and quickly ran towards the tunnel they walked in. There was Tommy, the boy who was só self-confident, but now he couldn't even walk by himself. She threw him over her shoulder, well, tried and got him somehow back to the Camarvan. Then she got Wilbur, who didn't have any deep wounds, and then Tubbo, who was in the worst condition. He had a lot of deep wounds, and lost much blood. She decided to run for Fundy, and then fix him. Fundy was probably the best, because he didn't passed out. He just couldn't walk on his own. She helped him to the Camarvan, and he gave her instructions on how to fix Tubbo. He asked for any instant health potions, but there were none in the chests. Luckily for them, Y/N was very good with potions. Whenever her dad was drunk and mad, she'd lock herself in their basement, and made potions with her fathers ingredients. She quickly grabbed some blazepowder, and started making the potions. Then, she grabbed Tubbo's head, his head was pale, and his eyes closed. She put the bottle with the potion at his mouth, and he drunk it up. She layed him down again, and heard some grumbles from Tommy. He was probably waking up. She saw how Tubbo got more color in his face, and then walked towards Tommy: "Hey! You're awake?" He slowly opened his eyes and mumbled: "That traitor..." She smiled. Even in his worst conditions, he'd be focused. Thats's.. Rough? She got some bandage and alcohol, and quickly cleaned his wounds. She put on the bandages and looked in Wilburs' way. He looked a bit pale, but he didn't have any deep wounds, so he was very lucky. She made sure Tommy had everything he needed, and went on with Wilbur. He somehow only got some scratches, so he would be okay. He probably only passed out because of the stress. Y/N wiped her sweat from her face, and sat down for a moment. "Y/N?" She heard. She looked in Tommy's direction, who completely was woken up now. "Yeah?" She answered. "What happened with you? You look completely fine. Are you- Are you also on the Dream Team's side? Are you going to betray us as well? Are you-" "Tommy." Y/N interrupted him. "During the fight, I had nothing, and we wouldn't have won, that was for sure. Without me, you guys would've died. Tubbo for sure. That boy needed an instant health potion! I'm not a traitor, or else I would've let you all die. Okay?" She told him, raising her voice slightly in the last part. He slowly nodded. Without her, they wouldn't be here.


Longest chapter so far, pog!

What do you think about the war? I really have no idea how to make that, so I just randomly did something and hoped it turned out okay, loll


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