Chapter 5

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Dream POV

"Sapnap!? That new girl aye? Did you saw her getting away?" I asked. He answered with a short "No?" I nodded. She was fast. She'd be a great addition to our team. "Maybe we should get her to spy for us?" I was thinking loud. Sapnap shook his head. "She looks already attached to them. I mean, she just basically saved Tubbo and Tommy's life! They owe her a lot." He was right. I knew that. But she's just so quick, and very good with a bow. We just needed her. I was okay with an bow, not like a god or something, just okay. Sapnap absolutely sucked, and George, well, we're not gonna talk about that. Fun fact, the first time that we practiced shooting with bows, he accidently dropped it and got the arrow in his foot. Exactly on the spot where Y/N shot him, from a far distance. I complained about the fact that she was annoyingly good, but Sapnap told me I was just jealous. DREAM? Me? Jealous? Never. "Dream?" I shot out of my zone. "Oh- uh, yeah?" George came back from his round, he said they all made it back to the van." Oh. So she was a med as well? "Oh, great. Uhm, I'm going back to my room!" And I left Sapnap in a confused state.

Nobody's POV

After Y/N made sure all the wounds were patched up, she walked back to her tent. When her head hit her pillow, she was gone, absolutely exhausted from the fight, carrying the boys back, ánd making sure they all were okay...

Fundy POV

I opened my eyes, and everything was blurry. I slowly shook my head, to get the feeling away, and tried again. I slowly sat up, and I felt something in my arm. It hurted. I looked at it, and saw bandages, securely wrapped around my arm. Who did that? Was it Y/N? Or maybe Tubbo? I looked over at the boys, who were all still sleeping. No, Tubbo looked even worse then me. Maybe Wilbur? Nope, he sucked at med things. Tommy wouldn't do it this nicely and Eret.. Well let's just not talk about that. It gotta be Y/N then, but did she even know how to do that? Apparently, well, let's try to stand up. I grabbed the side of the couch and stood up. I felt dizzy, but after a while it felt alright. I walked up to Tubbo, and checked everything, but he looked okay. He had some scratches, and a few wounds which got patched up and everything, but all with all, he looked fine. Then I walked over to dad, who only got a few scratches? He was literally the target? Well, I guess that old men are stronger? I chuckled and got to Tommy, who was a bit pale, but looked alright. His face looked sad, but he just got betrayed by a friend, so that made sense. After checking up on almost everyone, I felt like I missed someone. Y/N, obviously. I made my way to her tent, and saw her sleeping in her tent. She looked exhausted, so I didn't wake her up and walked back to the van, to check up on the boys again.

Wordcount: 551

Please? I miss you.. / A Minecraft AU / Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now